This shitpost butter be worth it

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Edd's POV

It was about 2am. I had been currently working on a animation when I realized I had ran out of cola.
I rolled back in my desk chair and stretched.
'I should get to sleep after I tidy up'.
I started to pick up the several empty cans and snack wrappers around my desk and put them in my bin. But now my bin was nearly over flowing with trash.
With a sigh I tied up the bag and headed downstairs when I heard crying in the kitchen. I decided to investigate and I found Tord on the floor, crying, while eating a stick of butter like it was a banana or something.
"Uhhhhh..... Tord?? What's going on...?"
"They ran out of butter," he sniffled.
"All o-of Norway is out of butter... It's so sad..."
Tord took another bite from the butter stick and continued to sniffle.
"Um... Right... I'll just.. leave you to grieve.."
I quickly tossed my rubbish in the larger bin and fucking ran for it. I am not dealing with that tonight.

((I'm sorry))

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