The Second Time Around

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You'd think I would've learned

The second time around

Even though I tried,

I couldn't make a sound

In a moment of quick decisions

The flame needed its own fuel

And now I am left wondering

Which of us was crowned the fool?

An emptiness took over me

So I caved into his spell

And now I am left suffering

In my mind's own form of hell

My father always told me

That I'd learn from my mistakes

But now I am uncertain

That I have all that it takes

I am alone with my thoughts

Again as I always will be

As I am locked in my mind's cell -

It was you who had the only key

This chapter in my life

Is a repetitious affair

And I hope to god that someday

I will be freed of the despair

Even though I failed this time:

The second time around

I believe that I'm now capable

Of standing my own ground.

— Never again.

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