
16 3 0

She smiled, once.

Her eyes used to crinkle in the corners.

Now her love is dissipating
And she is learning the secrets
To a world full of hating.

She was lively, once.

With a skip in her step and her head held high.

Now she's accused of false pride
As she walks the night streets
Constantly shifting her eyes
From side to side.

She was happy, once.

With a voice from the heavens and words that flew like angels so graciously off of her tongue.

Now she cries in hope
That she will find the tunnel's light
At the end of the knotted rope
That hangs taut
Around her throat.

She was, once.


A/N: Holy goodness this is a depressing poem and I don't know how this came out of me but it did at 2:50 am, and I just want to clarify that I'm okay and this single poem in my anthology is a work of fiction. If you're feeling sad or if you're struggling, please reach out to someone. Things do get better.

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