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Since when has the word "no" become negotiable?

Is it normal to be scared out of my mind whenever I am alone with a gentleman?


I take it back -

Men aren't gentle.

The word "gentleman" is a sly coverup that I could never quite grasp between my burning palms.

I always assumed that a knight in shining armour was the only type of man to exist - a "real" man - but this world is far from a fairytale and men are far from women's saviours.

Men aren't gentle.

I never understood why men specifically get "gentle" in their title. I know from experience that men are not always kind and tender.

When I am grasped between harsh hands and pawed at with severe intent - is that gentle?


When I say "no", it's supposed to be non-negotiable.

When I don't want to be lured into a stale room full of the shadows of others before me, "no" does not mean "convince me otherwise".

"No" is enough. It stands alone firmly.

Men aren't gentle.

And I believe with a tattered heart that has been bruised and fondled too many times undesirably, that things need to change.

I've been moulded and shaped to think that this whole wide, broad spectrum of males is to blame.

But really, it's a few greedy individuals who have ruined their name.

Why have I met so many of these "individuals"?

I am scared.

We are scared.

Women as a collective- we are terrified.

Men aren't gentle.

When we say "no", don't convince us otherwise, but try to show us that we are worth our words and that our words are respected.

Show us that you can again be gentle.

No is non-negotiable.


Bring the "gentle" back in "gentlemen".


A/N: Understand that this is not to insult all men, and it was just a way to express my anger towards a few people that have hurt me. Lots of boys are great and lots are not, just as lots of girls are great and lots are not. This was in no way meant to degrade all of the men in the world, but more to bring light to a topic where change is needed.

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