The day they died

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Dan's P.O.V

You was 3 years old soon to be 4 on the 13th of september 1997.

Ur mom and dad went out as they did once a month as they called it "DATE NIGHT" ur dad worked with celebrities producing stuff , and your mom was a stay at home woman looking after you and she was going back to work (part time) as a care assistant what she did before she had you.

That day I came to look after you as I was your babysitter I was 17 and at college doing a-levers we sed bye to your mom and dad and went to do some fun things before you went to bed and I put you to bed I sat and watched the tv and I heard to door knock so I answered  it and to was the police they told me that you mom and dad was in a car crash and died they needed me to go in and to tell them that is was you as all your family did not live here they live in Ireland I think its called mullingar, my mom and dad needed to come with me as I was to young at the time they told me to get you up and pack some clothes as you will be going to a foster home / family.

I went and packed your clothes and got you up to go the police station as I lady would be waiting for you to take you away I was so sad because I loved you and we had so much fun be I was to young to do anything I had no place to live no job to look after you.

The last words I sed to you was you will aways be on my heart and you will one day make your mom and dad  proud you will not see them now bit will alway be in ur heart and I kissed your head and give you one last hug and handed you to the lady, you was crying and I could not do anythink.

the police took me in to a room to calm down and give me some water before to told me what they need me to do, I calmed down and they walked me to the room where your mom and dad was I liked at them and started to cry again because I was wishing it was a dream and that I would wake up but it was not and asked them if I could be left alone for and couple of minutes they did what I asked and left me.

I started talking to them telling them at I would take care of you wen I can, that you and trust me I will always look out for you and not lose you always help you wen I can and stand by you wen you need it to see you smile and make you happy wen you are sad.

I left the room and went to talk the to police I did not no what would happen to you and I wanted to write you a letter that you can see it wen you was 16 and could understand it more what I did I never wanted to let you go but I had to I never forget that day and still won't.

he told me to do the letter and he will pass ot on but not to get me hopes up as it may get lost or not let you see it I had to hope one you will read that letter and would understand I ask if I could claim your mom and dad things after they was done with them and he told me he would call me if I can to go home and sleep as its 3am and you had alot to deal with.

Couple weeks later he called me and sed I can now come and get 4 things and it bring me to now.

I stand up and put me hand in my pocket and take the 3 rings and a necklaces and hand her them these are your moms engagement ring and wedding ring dads wedding ring and your moms  necklace i start to cry and she does to i hug her so tight and not let her go.



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Twitter @naomiheydon

instrgarm naomimurs412 were you will find a pic of the rings and necklace

thanks naii

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