Talking things over

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We was in the lobby for a long time all of them shocked with was I sed, I started to walk passed them all as none of them was talking and I need to think about it but now thinking about it I don't think they like the idea of me as the song righter, I walked out and made me way to dans car I so need my own car.

I waited for about 20mins before they come out I know its alot to think about but its not as hard for them all they got to do is sing it not right it, dan ran up to me and hugged me I was pissed out to say the least not one of them talked, after my hug with dan he looked down at me and smiled what are you thinking lizzy? he asked, its BIG news that he thinks that my songs are great but what if I cant do it he be mad and they will hate me for it, it alot to take in and I thought if I asked all you lot what you think and that, that it would help me but thinking about it now I don't no if I will  take it looking at the floor.

Lizzy look at me? dan sed, so I did slowly he put his hands on my shoulder and smiled before telling me this lizzy I know you can do this I believe in you, you just dont believe in yourself like others can wen you was little you loved to sing and dance, then it was hell for you and I was not there for you, I know we find eachother after 15 years like a couple of mouths ago wen you was ready and now that I have you back in my life I plan on it staying that way, but like you sed you got a week to think about this before saying yes or no I can't tell you what to do and the boys can't tell you this is your life not mine and not there's.

Lizzys he right you know we cant tell you to do or not to do it you need to do it yourself, Liam sed and all the boys agreeing with him, I smiled at them shyly.

Right now we all are going to go nandos for this great news you had lizzy puls I hungry niall sed with I wide smile and I paying so come on he sed as I smiled at him nandos it is then I sed.

we got in the cars and went its like a 10 minute drive away.

we all went inside and got a table at the back niall, me, dan and louis and on the other side was liam, harry and zyan. the waitress came ober and got drinks orders and went to get them before taking the food orders.

we all sat talking well they was I was just thinking alot I asked dan and louis to move so I can get out so I can go outside I was hot and the thinking is getting to me just needed time be myself.

I got outside and walked around like some idiot, and then I started to cry, I got myself worked you over it and forgot all the boys waiting for me, I got the morror out me bag to fix it up so its dont look like I was cry but yes I was to late and niall had come out to look for me.

Niall's P.O.V

after lizzy left the table I looked over to dan to see of he knows what wrong with her after telling all of us its like she not her self, she been gone for like 10mins I need to go and see if she is ok, after getting out from the table I walk out side I heard a soft cry I walk slowly towards it and out around the corner just about to stand up looking in her mirror wiping away her tears her eyes red from the crying I walk up to her and she seen me walk and backs up abit.

Niall what are you doing here? she asked me will I whated to see if you was okay you was gone for about 10mins why are you crying lizzy? I just need to think about things thats all shell we go and eat with a smile on her face that you know is fake just so you dont ask more questions, yhh lets go eat is so hungry I laughed a little.

your laughing is funny she sed laughing at me well what can I do I put my arm over her shoulders and rubbed my hand up and down her arm to comfort her abit as we walked back thanks niall she smiled up at me and walked faster and my arm left her shoulders.

we sat back down and thank god food was here.

Lizzy P.O.V

after we ate we all went be home the car ride back with dan with quite I just need time to think and sleep we walk up to the flat and I went a sat on the sofa dan same and sat next to me, lizzy can I talk to you? I looked at dan yes you can about what? about the new job offer I am so happy for you and I know your mom and dad will be so happy for you and the boys but like I sed it needs to be for you and not the people around you if it makes you happy go for it whatever you decide I will here for you now go to bed we got big plans for tomorrow well the boys have I smiled at her, dan what have they planned?  cant tell you come on it Saturday.

I got up and sed goodnight to dan and smiled as I walk to my room and changed in to my tinkerbell pjs and hoped in bed befor I new in I was in neverland.



Helloooooo sorry its not long but hey alot of stuff been going on with the 1d boys als ice bucket challenge liams birthday, happy birthday to him :) got the new album that they sed like yesterday #four (it my lucky number puls its my birthday on the 4th dec so as u can tell I like the number 4 x) and it will soon be nialls 21st birthday but he had his party and was looking great too x happy birthday to him too :)

I hope you like it and plz vote and that it means the world to me, and I wanna were you are from? and if you wanna ask me about whatever plz ask me :) hope you all have a great day or night wherever you are xx

bye for now naii xxx

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