Morning Sleeeping Beauty's

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Louis P.O.V

I woke up at 7.45am and had a look around the room for getting we stayed at dans and lizzys place, i got up and walked to the kitchen for a drink my mouth was dry i was looking in the cupboard to find to glasses and yes it was the last one i look at its always the same way went you are looking for somethink buy anyways i got a glass out and walked to the sink and filled it up with water before drinking it all i one go, i put the glass in the sink and wallked back to the living room.

I sit down and look at the boys sleeping where's niall? I walk down the hall to the bathroom but no, i knock on lizzys door but no answer so i open her door and peck in and she not in her bed so i walk in and see that the balcony door is open i slowly walk up to the door and she lizzy is on niall lap and that they are both asleep i walks back to the living room to get the other up

Harry wake up mate you need to see this i sed, louis what time is it harry sad, 8am now get up and walked over to wake liam

Liam mate wake up you need to see this i sed, okay i up louis he sed as i walk over to zayn

Zayn wake up you need to see this, zayn get up mate i sed what you want louis it better be good that you got me up at what time is it he 8.05am zayn now follow me lads

We all walk up to lizzy rooms why are we here loubear harry sed just come on you will see

I walk them out to the balcony to show them niall and lizzy sleeping, the boys faces was priceless

We all got our phones to takes photos of them, lou shell we leave them or wake them up they look so cute together harry sad, i dow no what shell we do boys?

Lizzys P.O.V

Shell we leave them or wake them up they look cute together i heard, whats going on who looks cute together.

I move abit but stopped as i felt somethink get tighter around my waist i opened my eyes and saw the boys staring at me, why are you staring at me? I asked they smiled wide at me and pointed their finger behind me, i looked to were they pointed to and saw niall my eyes went wide and i jumped up off this lap and hot the table hard thats going to leave a bruise later but as soon as i junped from niall he jumped to lizzy are you okay? Whats hoing on? the look of worry in this eyes but soon soften as his eyes meet mine, i smiled shyly at her and he look about and saw the boys trying not to laugh but failing

Okay now boys stop laughing and what we going to do today? i asked

We can stay here and eat, talk and watch movies together maybe play a game niall sed

Yh that sounds fun but i do need to get ready and and shower so i will see you soon and i hope wen i come back in my room you will not be in here i walked in my room got my phone and off to the bathroom to shower

i got out the shower and walked back to me room thank god that they have gone out i walked over to me wardrobe and picked out a jumper that say i like cats and gray trackies and brown ugg boots so i can go and get  starbucks for all of use i put me hair i a messy bun and put my black sunglaesses on not puting make up on and walked to get me car keys and puse and walked out down the hall to the living room 

i walked in the living room and all the boys was on the sofa talking, morning boys i just  going to get starbucks would like some if so would you like? iced tea plz louis sed peppermint hot chocolate sed harry salted caramel hot chocolate plz zayn sed cappuccino plz dan sed and carmel hot chocolate for me plz and do you need help niall asked 

You can if you like but i going now if ur ready i smiled he got off the sofa and walked to the door and put his shoes on and we walked out to me car

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