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Lizzys P.O.V

After we had the meal me and dan went back home after the boys drop use off its been a long day am its going to be a long day tomorrow.

I washed my make up off and got in the my disney pjs and went to the kitchen to get some paracetamol as i am in pain with my tummy and i went to bed after that as its 11pm and need to be up and 6am.

BEEP BEEP BEEP time to get up  i with to the bathroom and washed my face and went to the toilet i not having a shower this morning as i got to be out the home of 6.30am and go to the boys place, i went back to my room and headed to my wardrobe and picked out a brown knitted jumper and black leather bottoms with black dolly shoes shoes, i put my hair in a messy bun with my veins either side and light makeup on.

I went the the kitchen and did some toast and some apple juice and some more paranormal and then i left the flat and drive to the boys flat as i need to be at there for 6.45am.

I got to the boys place and went up and knock on the door and waited for one of them to answer, hey lizzy you okay love? Harry asked as he opened the door so i can come in, yhh i fine haz thanks for asking its okay you sure you're ok you look a bit pale yes haz asked i fine haz come on we need to go were all the others as i try to sit down but not make it obvious that i'm not ok would you like a drink lizzy harry called from the kitchen can i have some water please harry i called back soon liam and niall was down and harry come in with some water for me and i drink up.

Nialls P.O.V

Me and liam walk in to the living room and lizzy was sitting down waiting we sed hi an liam sat down as i walked in the kitchen as harry walked out and made some toast lizzy looking pale today i hope she okay maybe harry talked to her harry can you come here please i called i waited for him to come in to ask hi  about lizzy.

Harry has lizzy sed anything to you as she looking pale today i asked no i did ask her and she sed she fine

You don't think its her ribs do you with what happend yesterday i asked i don't no mate we all need to watch her today just in case harry sed

Okay thanks man and he walked away as i eat my toast and drink my water

After we was all ready we headed to the 1st interview on the radio.

After we did the 1st two interviews it was lunch so we all had food out before heading to the last interview of the day what is and tv interview lizzy still pale maybe a bit more then this morning we all noticed.

After lunch we all got back into the car lizzy don't eat much what not like lizzy so i am worried about her but after this interview if she still like it i am taking her to the hospital.

After the hour drive we made it to the lasted one of the day thanks god but we have got and big dressing to what a good thing.

We all got to the dressing room sed on the sofa waiting for hair and make up and outfits thats what lizzy gone to check now i can see she is in pain its in her eyes she doesn't want to make a big deal out of it but to me and the boys it is the fans should not do that but what can i do i care for her alot and she stubborn saying she not in pain but i can see she is.

We all got ready and made the way to the interview all the same questions and the same answers to but worded different

Please welcome ONE DIRECTION

Lizzys P.O.V

Please welcome ONE DIRECTION

and all the boys went on for the last interview for to day thank god for i am in so much pain i dont want to tell the boys because they will worry to much and they don't need that now.

I walked back to the dressing room because the pain was getting to me and i was feeling dizzy i made it to the dressing room and was walking to sit down but it went black











Heyyyy the 1st update of 2015 woohooooooo i know its not much but its okay hope to updat soon and it be longer too ☺

Bye for now nai xxx

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