Unexpected - Part 1

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^This is in case you can't see the header image. One of my first attempts at lemon.

Dedicated to my real life bff. THANKEE for the support and the fangirling and you know what else ;)

So. This is a Short Story, but if you just want the sex feel free to skip straight to the third part. I understand the frustration of looking for smut and having to read a long-ass story before it, so you're welcome, homie! ;) But please do read the story sometime too. I worked hard on it and the gesture would really be appreciated! (But you're not even reading this anymore, are you? XD)

Let's just forget about the Great War and all the other tiny details for the moment, shall we? It'd be cool if they were both prefects, because Hermione's, well... Hermione, and our favourite ferret, despite being a git, is still rather intelligent. But that's for later. Besides which, the Prefect's bathroom offers many tantalising possibilities. ;)

Nah. The bathroom's for another story, but rest assured, it will arrive. :D Meanwhile, let's take a short detour up to the seventh floor, shall we? I thought their (and my) first try should be without any, ahem, interruptions. ;)

Hermione Granger can't sleep, because her wet dreams are constantly full of the one person she can't have - the elusive Draco Malfoy.

This is a first attempt. Please don't kill me if it's bad. *hides behind Draco*

She turned over in bed, unable to sleep. Her roommates had been asleep for hours. A sliver of moonlight shone through a chink in the Gryffindor tower window, right onto her face, making rest impossible. Sleep fled from her eyes completely as Hermione Granger sat up and rubbed them. Casting a quick glance at the golden owl-shaped clock on the wall, she discovered it was only an hour past midnight.

She was tired. Physically, from long hours of school. And mentally, from continuously fighting off increasingly inappropriate images of the alluring Draco Malfoy, who also just happened to be her arch nemesis.

She sighed. Tossing about in bed wasn't going to work. She had to relieve some of the sexual tension that the recurring wet dreams of Malfoy always brought. Granted, he was a slimy little ferret, but unfortunately for the female population, a very attractive one. Years of Quiddich had definitely improved his physique, making him lean and toned but nowhere near as bulky as Ron. And yet Hermione knew he was much stronger than Ron, if her countless skirmishes with the blond were anything to go by.

Truth be told, despite the fact that she and Ron had an on-off relationship, and everyone in the Gryffindor house thought they were meant to be, there was one major problem - Ron wasn't very good in bed. Hermione hadn't been a total innocent when she and Ron had hooked up – Krum was far from a prude, and quite fun – but it had been her first time in bed with a man. She didn't expect him to only sate her, but she did expect him to make sure she had her release, too. Ron had always been a rather selfish lover, and though she knew he didn't mean to be that way, he usually got carried away, and one round was enough to knock him out cold. Stamina certainly wasn't one of his best traits. And the rare few times she did reach orgasm before him, it was always a weak, watery one, and left her feeling vaguely dissatisfied. Besides all this, Ron tended to make strange, animalistic sounds in bed that sounded more like a bear groaning in pain than actual ecstasy, and that was a major turn-off.

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