Part 3: Just Like Before

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A session of rigorous training happened. Early jogging, shooting training, a mini game, even the basic training is in the line-up. In the afternoon, another mini game is done with changing members and for the finale another laps and laps of jogging session and basic endurance training. But Kagetora and Hanamori along with the other girls focused on their endurance training, incorporating Fartlek, making the three Seirin members in advantage due to experience, but it's still as hard as before. As soon as possible they wanted to let them fight each other shuffling the members for they can anticipate what kind of players they're going to play. Given that most of the members of Jabberwock are dependent on strength and speed as well as skills, trained as Streetballers, they absolutely have the perfect people having the same skills as well.

Aomine, having the natural talent and someone who also grew playing streetball. And also Kagami, who started to learn basketball through streetball and was enhanced by training and continuous playing. There's also Murasakibara, he may be lazy but when he gets fired up, he can combat the strength the other team is giving. Of course everyone in the team has their own strengths that can be on par with the opponent or they can even outdo them.


"Hanamori, what do you think?" Kagetora asks as he watches everyone having a mini game.

Hanamori stared at everyone intently before she formulated her answer.

She sighs.

"I think they've improved a lot. The last time I saw them play....... I was seriously impressed and even comparing them now, they really do amaze me every time." Kagami gave a dunk and shoot a thumbs up to Hanamori when he noticed her looking at him. Hanamori just smiled.

"But you know, Kagetora-san, I think we still really need to double everything if we really wanted to win." She slowly turns her body towards Kagetora. "Our opponent sure have their trump card, and so we must have ours as well."

Kagetora raised his brow in confusion and rested his chin on his fingers trying to think of some of these trump cards. "Like how?"

"We don't need to think and formulate new ones." She faced back to the court. "I am full aware that they know how to do them." A smile stretched on her face. She is confident that everyone have their own abilities to how that can impress their opponents.


"Nice work everyone." Momoi greeted the tired and sweaty boys as they walk like zombies and dumped their tired bodies on the chairs. They hungrily sipped into their water bottles as some wiped their sweats off.

"So, what do you think?" Hanamori suddenly came and asked everyone. The boys gave her a raised brow as an answer. "Well, I mean do you think you improved?" She asked again and smiled.

"Of course!" Kagami was the first one to answer. "I may have fought them before in the past but I think fighting them all at the same time is just the best!" He raised his arm into air showing his fist clenched.

"Yes, I agree with Kagami-kun." Kuroko stood up and went beside his light. "It's like reliving the past but with Kagami this time. I think we became stronger." A small contented smile is seen on Kuroko's face. The final mini-game for the day was against the Teiko members, excluded Kuroko, versus the substitutes with Kagami and Kuroko.

"Stop it Tetsuya, you're going to make Satsuki-chan cry." Hanamori stated and Momoi really did started to cry.

"Oi, we can still beat those guys without Kagami." Aomine declared making Kagami fume.

"Aah! What did you say!?" Then they started bickering with each other.

"It's good that you have that kind of relationship." Hanamori giggled a little while watching the two.

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