Chapter 1- One hell of a burrito

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Chapter 1- One hell of a burrito

The birds chirped outside my window and sunlight was pouring into my room like golden glitter. The air smelled of maple syrup and hot cocoa.

But then reality struck in the form of an alarm clock.

I groaned and had to stop myself from throwing it out the window. Seriously, whoever invented the alarm clock must have been deaf.

I trudged to my closet and pulled out random clothes before going into the bathroom. I pulled on the sweatshirt with my eyes half closed and tried squeezing into the skinny jeans. After World War III, I finally managed to zip up the pants and moved on to my face.

I splashed my face with cold water, which felt like little pin pricks on my skin. Luckily, it managed to wake me up. I decided against wearing make up today and pulled my red hair into a high ponytail.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone and ran down the stairs. When I reached the kitchen, I saw a sight that made me want to throw up.

Mom and Dad were busy making out on the island. I'm never eating there again.

I cleared my throat and they immediately jumped away from each other. Mom fixed her disheveled hair and Dad straightened his tie.

"Good morning, Samantha," Mom said, picking up a plate of pancakes and thrusting it towards me.

I awkwardly took it from her and sat at the dining table. I stabbed the soggy brown pancake and sipped on my orange juice. I finished eating and got up to put my dishes in the sink.

"I think you should go, honey," Mom said, quickly grabbing the plate from my hand.

I looked at the pair suspiciously before flinging the bag over my shoulder and walking out the door. I tugged on my boots and ran down the driveway. The Texas sun was beatinng down on me and I cursed at myself for wearing a sweatshirt.

Suddenly, a familiar truck pulled up next to me.

"Get in, loser," Macy, my best friend, shouted from the driver's seat

"Don't go all Mean Girls on me now," I replied sarcastically, rounding the car and sitting in the passanger seat.

Macy just laughed and accelerated the car.

We were talking about random things on the way to school, from which Starbucks drink was the best to who we hated the most in out school.

"I don't understand how someone could be so fake and still be considered a human," I exclaimed, slipping out of the car.

I was currently going on about Stacy Reynolds, the queen bitch. She was literally our own Regina George.

"Stacey alert," Macy whispered.

I looked to where she was indicating and saw Stacy prancing towards us in her Jimmy Choo flip flops.

She was wearing a body-con dress that was a hideous hot pink and a neon yellow belt. Gag.

"Well look who it is. Ugly One and Ugly Two," Stacy sneered, a smirk taking over her features.

"I wouldn't go there, Stacy, considering that you're the one that looks like a giant highlighter," I retorted.

One of my many skills is coming up with awesome comebacks. I mentally flipped my hair.

"Why you-"

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