Chapter 23

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Lmao I'm sorry if this story took long to update. Anyways, I forgot to describe the aunt and uncle.

Aunt's name is Hanabi Satui, blonde hair and bluish grey eyes.

Uncle's name is Yatsubu Satui, black hair with visible greyish white strands and blue eyes.

That's all, enjoy~


~*Normal PoV*~


"Gouenji-kun..!" You sighed in relief as you were lucky enough to land on one of your friend's backyard. You did admit that you were kinda nervous of which house you'll be trespassing on. The male wore a plain gray polo shirt that has a small logo of a soccer ball on the top left (this dork omfl--), some tawny brown cargo shorts and plain navy blue slippers.

"What happened to you? You're a mess." Gouenji bluntly stated as he helped you up, causing you to hiss in pain from the scratches on your knees. You regret using leggings that only reached your upper knees.

"Oh shit...that stings.." You cussed as you unintentionally leaned more to Gouenji for support. This resulted for the young man to slightly blush as he wasn't that used to having contact with girls and that you were the one leaning unto him.

"You scratched your knees...Did you trip or something?" The flame striker inquired before noticing the cat that was with you. The cat stared at him for a while before meowing at you, licking your cheek as a sign of concern. The male was slightly amused by this before looking back at you.

"It's fine...Just tripped over some rocks after ascending from hell... I-It's not a big deal." You joked, your breathing was still unsteady as you were still out of breath from running and doing some stunts earlier. "Do you have a first aid kit..?" You timidly asked with a tired smile.

"(L/n), are you sure you're okay?" Gouenji doubted your 'I'm okay' attitude as he supported your body properly, before he fully helped you inside, but as he held the doorknob, both of you heard a shout from the street near the house.

"(L/N)!! Where are you!?" Your aunt cried out pathetically. It was obvious from her voice that her cries were fake, as if she was worried about you.

"Someone's looking for you...Should I tell them you're here?" The male was obviously dense with observing the voice, he didn't even wonder why the sniffles were loud as fuck. He gave you a wondering gaze as he waited for your reply, to which he didn't expect was an exclamation.

"NO! ARE YOU CRAZY?! Don't let them find me!" You clenched your fists as you unexpectedly decided to pull away from Gouenji, the scratch wasn't that bad anyways. You bet that they heard your shout, making you look at him with anger as if blaming him for it, but then you slowly realized that he doesn't know anything. Thinking about it for a few seconds, you exhaled heavily before looking at the male once more, this time, calmly. "I'll explain later just hide me first. I bet she heard my shout earlier.." You gave him an apologetic smile, your eyes silently begging him to follow.

Gouenji looked at you skeptically but being a good friend he is and thanks to having some attraction towards you, it wasn't hard for him to comply to your request. "Alright, I'll explain to Inouka-san to make sure they don't come here." The male spoke as he opened the back door for you like a gentleman would do. "By the way, you can use the bathroom to cool yourself up. I'll let you borrow some towel and clothes." The striker was rather fast at making decisions as he didn't even mind asking you anything about it. To be honest, he wanted to impress you.

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