Chapter one

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^miss grey above(yes it's drawn and not a real person obvi)

Hey guys ^J^ I am very weird when I right, this book has so many pages but only because the chapters and enormous, so I recommend not reading the whole thing in one go. Maybe in two parts. And I take forever to right these chapters cause they're so long. So don't be upsetty spaghetti at me plz. But I hope u enjoy ^J^

"One mocha coffee with caramel frosting and a shot of charisma," I ordered my coffee and the little sprite lady nodded her head as she wrote down my name on the cup. I nodded my head and I walked over to the window bar and I sat down waiting for my drink to be ready. I watched out the window, people walked past without giving a second look to the shops they passed.

"A Miss Grey?" said a soft voice and i stood up and walked over, and I grabbed the drink and paid with cash up front. Then I walked away, ignoring her protests and I wave goodbye as I walked out the door and down the street, I sipped slowly and frowned, why did I order the charisma? I always felt more depressed afterwards.

My boots clicked slightly as I made my way past the side streets until I made my turn onto one of the side streets and instantly, darkness enveloped me and I frowned, "what did I tell you about the barriers..." I say, as I approach the short man in a trench coat and a fedora.

"I can't risk it Grey, who knows who's around," he says teasing me slightly and I frowned. His dark long green ears twitched a little as I walked closer, "a titanium dagger?" he questions, "you took my advice?"

"Yeah I did, it's heavy and annoying," I say and I stop next to him, and he chuckles loudly.

"But it's powerful and it'll protect you," he says and I nod my head, "here," he says as he stands up and hands my a suitcase, I open it up for a second and then close it.

"Off Richards street on 3rd and 11th," I say and he nods his head smiling widely, "don't get your hopes up, the other location is 5th after 2nd street on Trinity road," I say and lean against the wall, "I guarantee one of those are the location you're looking for."

"I knew I could count on you to narrow it down," I nod my head and he sighs, "grey, why don't you came work for me, you know it's dangerous out there without a. official group," he says, worry in his beady eyes.

"I can't, and you know it, Damian," I say then taking a sip of my horrible drink. He gives a knowing look and I frown and look away, I hunch my back a little from the lack of my own charisma and look away. He sighs and he waves his hand.

"Well you always know I'm on your side." he says and his small figure dissipates into the darkness and the barrier disappears with him. I walk out of the alleyway and i look to my left and too my right, I grip the suitcase with a deathly hold. Then I turn right, I walk down the road only about half a mile until I reach my motorbike.

I strap on my the suitcase securely and then I strap on my helmet and I hop onto the bike and I turn the keys in the ignitions and the bike revs up. I take up downtown towards the banking district, I drive for only five minutes until I reach my bank, Rotie Bank.

I take out the keys and shove them into my pocket and I unstrap the suitcase and I walk into the bank, and one of the younger bank worker walks up to me trying to service me, but I continue on walking past her, "excuse me ma'am you can't go back there" someone cuts her off and I barge into the main office and I step in and close the door behind me.

"I didn't think you'd show up today, are you ready for the drink" I cut him off by laying the suitcase down on his desk and he screeches "that. Is. mahogany!" he yells and he stands up and I sit down in the chair across from him. He sits down slowly and I watch him as he does so slowly.

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