Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My body was warm feeling, it was almost like floating through space, but space was very cold and vacaint, like being alone. But this was a warm feeling, like swimming through warm honey, except i felt so weightless, and honey was thick and gooey.

I floated through time and space, i wasn't sure where i was, who i was, but i certainly felt welcome here, like when my mother used to pull the sheets fresh out of the dryer and i would crawl on top of them to be warm and comfy.

"Ana, Ana honey time to get up for school," i hear my mother's voice and i groaned loudly, i hated going to school, i curled up into my blankets and i heard my mother sigh and she shook my body, "Ana, come on," she said and i sat up groggily.

"Okay okay," i say shooing her away, she smiled and pinched my cheek, i sighed and i got up and brushed my teeth, and i looked in the mirror, i had horrible bed head again, "mom could you brush my hair!" i asked and she chuckled and she walked into the bathroom, she too was getting ready, but she was getting ready for work. She grabbed the brush form the counter and started working out the knots in my hair and i finished brushing my teeth. We stood there for a good minute until she was done, "all done, now go get dressed, i have to leave for work," she says and i nodded, she always left just as i got onto the bus.

I walked into my room and i got my clothes on, i had picked them out the night before so i would be ready quickly in the morning. I grabbed my ready school bag and mom and i walked out the front door, she kissed me on the cheek and i walked over to the stop sign while she walked to her car.

Soon the bus came and picked me up and then my mother drove out of the driveway and i waved bye to her, although she never sees me do this. I sat down in a seat in the far back and i settled down with a breakfast bar. We stopped at several different stops but no one sat with me again.

Then we stop at another stop and a little fox girl got on the bus that day. She walked to the back and she looked at me with big brown eyes and she bared her teeth at me, "a fox?" i asked and she growled at me.

"Get out of this seat, i want it," she was trying to bully me, almost everyone at school tried to cause i was human. I smiled brightly at her and i scooted over and i patted the seat next to me.

"You can seat here with me, since you're new and all," i say and she stops for a second and i hear a whisper from another seat.

"Just accept the offer before she murders you!" someone say and i peek my head over the seat, they were never very nice to me, it was alway defense since they attacked first. The girl groaned and sat in the seat with me and i smiled.

"Nice to meet you i'm Ana, nice to meet you!" i said brightly, the girl just scoffed and i sighed, "what's your name?" i asked, i was trying so hard to be nice but she probably thought i was weak, like all the others. "Could you at least tell me your name?" i asked and she didn't answer.

We got to school and i hopped off the bus after everyone and i said goodbye to my busdriver, he was really nice, and a human like me too! I walked into the school and my teacher greeted me with a smile when i walked into her class. "Hello Miss Jones, glad to see you today," she said and i nodded my head, she was nice, but she wasn't human, so she always took the side of the monsters.

I walked into the class, feeling isolated as i always was, i wish i didn't i didn't exist. I sat down in my assigned seat and i sighed as the morning announcements went off and i sighed more when she told us to stand for the pledge of hope. I never stood and i think that made me stand out even more.

The class started and the teacher stood at the front of the room, "today class we have a new student," she said and i looked up and over the crowd of students in front of me, i was sat in the back even though i was short. Then i heard the whispers, the whispers of hatred and disgust, "ew," they said, "another one?" the said.

~info-broker~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon