Chapter 3

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I awoke to the smell of blood and decay. I groaned as i felt dried tears on my face, and a throbbing headache, i could feel my bruised cheek and eye, i also felt dried blood on me. "Oh my, she's awake," someone says, it was a boy, and i heard one other person in the room, but they said nothing back. I open my eyes.

It was a dark room, and the only light was the one above me, it was shining down on a clean and slightly dented metal table. I try to move my hands and my wrists were restricted. I groan a little, and a man sits down in front of me, "hey, come on, wakey wakey Missy," he says and i look at him, but i felt fuzzy. He suddenly slammed his hands down onto the table and i jolted as he yelled, "Wake up!" he yelled and i frowned "now that you're awake," he says and leans back onto the chair. "Let's talk."

"Where am i?" i question and he smiles.

"No dear, i'm going to ask you the questions," he sets down two guns, Ivory and Ebony. "These guns of yours, first of all, where'd you get them? I totally love the design," he says and i just stare at him. "I'm kidding, of course i wouldn't kidnap you just to ask where you got your guns." he says chuckling. "I brought you here so you can tell me where the third edition was, Siren." he says seriously and i frowned, why'd he think i was a siren? Was he connected to the man i had met earlier?

"We had some intel about a strange siren who had visited the museum earlier yesterday, and i'm sure you found something, because that damn old lady had disappeared," he said and i stared at him, "listen lady, i know the wolves hired you to find the book, i know you found something about the book, or you found a clue of where it might be," he says and i frowned. The rope they tied wasn't very well done, i struggled against the ropes. While he stared at me.

"D, i don't think she'll talk, she was probably paid to keep her mouth shut," said the man in the corner behind the person in front of me he called D.

"I was hoping she'd talk," he said simply, i looked over to them both, i was going to remember every detail about them i could possible remember. I struggled more and more, i tried to be as conspicuous as i could. D stood up and walked over to me, he pulled out a butterfly knife and started swinging it around.

He kicked the table away from me, then he squatted in front of me, my legs too had been tied or i would have kicked him already. "Listen, you're really hot, actually, so i don't wanna hurt you, oh, and that pepper spray earlier, it had magic in it so you can't use your temping powers," he says as he stand up and places the knife on my cheek, "so do so please tell me, i'd hate you ruin your face anymore," he says. I don't say a word.

"Pity," says the man in the back and D slides the knife quickly down my left cheek, blood splattered on the floor, and i looked to the ground, i hadn't realised but, there were stains all over the floor. The pain sered all over my face, he ran the knife next to my arm. He cut the arm down the side, making me groan.

"Look at that, she has emotions," he says and i clenched my jaw, i glared at him as he pulled away, "damn, most women would break by now," he says and frowned. I was almost free, then i'd... i don't know, punch him? I groaned and let out a few screams here and there as he cut at me. I was almost sure i'd bleed out. I was almost out, my wrist now already bleeding. "Come on lady, just tell me, and i won't have to do something to you i'll regret," he says sighing, i glare up at him, and i smile widely.

"I'll take it from here then," says the man in the corner, he walked into the light, he held my gun, Ebony, he walked up to me, D stepped back into the darkness, he was a dark man with an evil smirk and deadly eyes. I watched has he held the gun up to my face, he smiled and i smiled back at him, he pointed the gun, then lowered it to my thigh leg.

He pulled the trigger, nothing of course happened and i lighed wildly, i whipped my hand around and i grabbed Ebony from him and pointed the gun, i aimed quickly then i pulled the trigger and a bullet ripped through his right lung. He fell to the ground coughing, and D yelled and banged on the door for someone, i supposed, to let him out, i shot off Ebony again and a bullet ripped off his left leg.

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