Chapter 3 pt. 3

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"I got no life," she says and i roll my eyes. "Actually, i just like working here, and i got nothing better to do in the morning," she says and i smiled.

"So you actually like smelling like a diner every night?" i asked and she laughed.

"No of course not, but i do like working here," she said smiling awkwardly. We swept the floors and soon Amy and Mikey came in through the doors and MIkey turned on the oven for his hand made bread roles, and he toasted bread. We opened the dinner at 10:00 like we did every morning, but we were mandatorily supposed to be here and hour before that.

Today was friday and it was much more busy, many people got off work sooner and people went to work later, so they had time to come here. Our dinner wasn't famous, but it was well like by locals and the few people who came from the other side of the city when the other Jane's was down or off hours.

I worked like i did yesterday, and i closed up the dinner too, and Miss gregory left sooner than she did the other night, she was probably doing something tonight. I check my phone, looking to see if the leader texted me as i walked out of the dinner and locked the door.

"Meet me at Jane's Dinner on the south west side," he said and i laughed loudly, that was our sister dinner that was open late, they opened and closed later than we did. I didn't text him back, i just put my phone away and i walked over to my bike.

It was getting colder and colder, i had forty minutes to go back home and grab my guns and change my clothes so i didn't smell so bad.

As i drove home, the cold wind seemed to get colder and colder, and there were so many people going out tonight to party. Fridays and monday nights were always the craziest. I walked  up to the complex and into the elevator, up to my room and i walked in.

As soon as i walked in, i was hit with tiredness of working all day, i walk to my room and i changed my clothes, i changed my shirt and pants. I reapplied my deodorant and i hooked on my holsters, i threw my jacket on and i place my dagger on the back of my pants like always. I grabbed my small backpack and i stuffed the third edition inside and extra bullets inside. I threw it over my shoulders and i walked to the door.

"Hungry..."i mumbled to myself and i walked over to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets and cupboards. I found a pack of nasty breakfast bars and i ate a few. "Gross," i say and i throw away the wrappers. I walk out of my apartment and i walk down to my parked bike and i hop on it.

My bike revs up and i drive towards the west end, the west end was pretty much the late night party hard people. The reason Jane's place was there was because the dinner got the people who were looking for a hearty lunch for their hangovers and the drunk people during late nights craving a sweet meal.

I park in the parking lot, and i get off my park, i'm surprised the leader would ask me to meet him at a place like this, i'd thought he'd go for the fancy place again. This dinner wasn't even under wolf rule. Most of the west end was hawks and spiders. I walk up to the door and i walk in, and one of the waiters comes up to me, "are you a miss Grey?" she asked, she looked at me with a couldn't care less face.

"Yeah," i say and she waves her hand for me to follow her, she takes me to the back, where the leader was sitting and eating a nice meal of pancakes with a side of bacon and sausage. I sit down in front of him and he looks up, he smiles then frowns deeply, a little bit of syrup dripping down his chin, he looked like a kid. I point at my chin to signal and he wiped it away with his napkin. "I'm glad you could make it," i say and he nods.

"What happened to you Miss Grey?" he asked seriously and i cocked a brow, i almost forgot about the bruise and cut on my face.

"I was kidnapped looking for your book," i say and his eyes widen a bit.

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