Chapter 2 part 1

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Since someone has actually read on of my stories, I decided to update it!!

Hope y'all enjoy ^J^

I walk into my apartment and i settle down on my couch after taking off my gun holsters and shoes. I click on the tv and i sigh heavily, i lay down on my couch and i close my eyes, i couldn't car less about what was on tv i just wanted to sleep, i look at my phone once more and i notice it was only 11:32 a.m. i groan and toss my phone onto the coffee table.

I pull a pillow under my head and i sigh. I close my eyes and i relax my body. I was always so tense when i was out of my house, although this wasn't the safest neighborhood, my apartment was pretty safe with a million locks everywhere. I had even had a Wiccan bless my place... i was only slightly paranoid.

I fall back asleep and i fall into a seemingly endless nightmare, images of the dead and the underworld filled my unconscious brain. It was so timeless and useless trying to escape my own hell. People gathered around me and pulled my limbs apart, i felt so cursed. I jolted awake, i look around me and i felt unsafe, but at the same time, i knew for a fact i was safe, i just felt the curse pressing on my mind.

I swung my feet onto the floor and i stood up. I need some coffee. I grabbed my silver barreta and i shoved it into the back of my pants and i slipped on my shoes and my jacket. I grabbed my phone and i shoved that into my back pant pocket.

I walk out the door and immediately walk into sheri, she looks up at me and i look down, although i wasn't tall, sheri was very short. Her face was mascara stained and i raised a brow, i knew the kind of work she was in, but i had never seen her like this, we weren't friends, but she was always nice and cheerful. "What happened to you?" i questioned and she smiles awkwardly and looked away, i dug into my jacket pocket and whipped out a tissue. I always shoved good unused tissues or napkins into my pocket.

"Thanks," she said and she wiped her tears away.

"Want some coffee?" i asked her and she looked up at me, "i could bring some back for you," i say and she shakes her head, then she laughs.

"Are you leaving at 1:30 in the morning?" she asks and i nod my head, she shakes her head. "I'll be alright, i just need some time alone, i nod my head and i walk past her, "thanks," she whispers and i click the elevator button, and a ding, the doors open and i walk in. it shuts and i see sheri walk into her room.

I walk out of the apartment complex and i walk down the street, no one was out at this time except for the few prostitutes and sellers of some kind of drug. A prostitute approaches me with a false look of seduction, i hand her a ten dollar bill, "what-" i pet her head soft and keep walking "i don't need your fucking pity!" she says and i turn back at her, i give her a soft smile and keep walking, i knew she wouldn't give the money back.

I made my way to the nearest coffee shop, it was a small little shop but it made great coffee. I walk in and little ding of a bell announced my entrance, i knew they stayed open till 3:00 a.m. "welcome, what can i get you?" asks a little barista and i look over at the menu above her head.

"A large mocha with caramel drizzle and a shot of pure caffeine," i say and she nods her head, she instantly goes to work, she was the only one working, the cafe was mostly empty too, except for the one person in the corner, they were studying hard.

Books sprawled around them with paper and their hand wrote as quickly as they could. "Miss," she said and a i walked over and grabbed the cool drink. I sat down at one of the tables. I looked out the window, not that there was much to look at, except the few cars that passed by, and the very few cases of people passing by. Music played overhead, i couldn't tell what was playing but it sounded nice.

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