Chapter 2 part 2

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Enjoy! ^J^

"What's your problem lady?" he questions and i frowned. "Mind your damn business."

"Well last time i checked she was my business, so scat," i say and move my head, he huffed, but he left peacefully. I walk over to sheri, she coughed a little, "can you make it back to you're place?" i asked, and shrugged her shoulders. I groaned a little, but i swung my bag over and knelt down and turned my back to her, "hop on," i say and she crawls herself onto my back.

I carried her back to her apartment, she was weak and fragile, i was surprised she hadn't died yet. I left her in her apartment, saying she shouldn't leave it, and she nodded.

I walk back down the stairs and out the door, hopefully she'd stay there, she needed time to recover. I walk over to my bike and i hop on, the traffic was going to be a bitch, but once i was out of the city i'd be good. I turn the ignition on and i drive out onto the busy streets.

Kerry town wasn't too far away from the city, but it was still a bit of a pain in the ass to sit on my bike for that long. And i have to be careful in kerry town, it wasn't a big city like this one, people who lived in small towns were nosy.

The sun started to go down and the orange and pink hues blossomed over the sky, and i rode out of the city and the view was amazing, outside of the city were fields of wheat and trees everywhere, it was the last city before the countryside. I wanted to watch the sunset but i might crash if i did so.

I turned on my bike light and rode in the darkness, in the countryside like this, it was dark everywhere, and there was no light from the other buildings, instead they needed street lights every five meters.

The drive to kerry town was quiet and peaceful, nothing was distracting and i was surprised by the lack of people, but on monday nights people prefer to go straight home, and the parting was left for fridays and saturdays.

After a good forty minutes a little sign that said 'welcome to Kery town' told me i was here. I rode to the closest inn and i stopped there. I parked my bike and walked up to a little window, inside was a white stag man, he looked up, his pale skin seemed to glint brightly in my eyes, "one night please," i say and he offers a bright smile, he holds up four fingers, "forty dollars a night?" i question and he nods, i nod and pull out my wallet and hand him two twenties, and he hands me a key for room 15.

I nod my head and i walk up the stairs, the third room on my left was room 15, i use the key and it unlocks quietly, i walk in and i turn on a light. The room was slightly musty and cold, but not bad for forty dollars. I had a queen sized bed and a large TV sitting on some drawers, i set down my bag at the edge of the bed and i lie down, it was cold.

I got up and walk over to the heater and i turn it up high, i hated cold motel rooms. I walk back over and pick up my bag and i pull out my phone charger and plug it into the nearest outlet. I hook up my phone and i take off my jacket and unhook the holsters from my shoulders and sides and i lay them on the other side of the bed.

I lie down and i sighed, i was so damn tired from driving my bike here, i look at the horrid popcorn ceiling and i sigh, i hoped tomorrow would be so eventful. I curl up to the pillow, refusing to crawl under these probably very dirty blankets. Who knows how well their washing machine worked.

I lie down for the night, trying to fall asleep and falling asleep about 1 in the morning and waking up at 9 in the morning, i groaned as i woke up, this bed was stiff, and the sunlight hurt my eyes, i had forgotten to close the second curtains to keep the sunlight out. I groaned as i sat up, i look at the time it was 9:11 a.m.

I stretch and i stand up and i stretch out my legs, i didn't even take off my shoes last night, i needed to stop doing this to myself, i grabbed my bag and changed my shirt to a long sleeved dark green shirt, more like an olive color really. I walk into the bath room and i undo my braid and put it into a ponytail instead and i brush my bangs.

~info-broker~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt