Chapter 2

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-Elena's(picture) POV-

"You got the job," Amy said after a moment of me standing there awkwardly.
All three were smiling and they all applauded once again, the lights and recording crews joining in.
"W-wait really?!" I tried really hard to keep myself calm.
"Welcome to Marvel Studios," Kevin shook my hand and grinned at me, who was still freaking out.
"Oh my gosh..." I had no idea what to say.
"We have the main cast here if you'd like to meet them. We had them come ahead of time anyway because we were planning on selecting our option today," Amy looks at me with a smile still on her face.
"Are you kidding?!" I'm mentally screaming as I try not to actually scream. "I'd love to meet my childhood idols!"
I was making a joke and luckily they all laughed.
"C'mon," Jon motions for me to follow him.
I walk a small distance behind him, Amy and Kevin following closely, as we leave the room and head to another one down the hallway. Jon opened the door and stood aside, allowing me to go in. I was looking at the ground the whole way, and only looked up when I stopped inside the room. I raised my gaze and the first thing I saw was a pair of dark brown eyes locked on my own.
"Everyone, this is Elena, your new cast mate," Kevin introduced me to everyone, but my eyes never left the brown ones until Jon patted me on the shoulder as he came to stand beside me.
"Elena here will be playing a new character that we've added, called Sentinel. She starts out as a villain until she's pulled into the Spidey loop to fight the real villain, who happens to be the Green Goblin. Anyway..." Jon spoke of my character, but I stopped listening after a moment as I looked around at all of the other people in the room. There was Zendaya, who was smiling like always, Tony Revolori, Jacob Batalon, Laura Herrier, and several others. Then my eyes finally landed on the main event: Tom Holland himself... and I realized he was the one I locked eyes with when I first came in.
When I looked at him again, he was still looking at me, and I quickly shifted my gaze to look next to me at Jon, to avoid anymore extended eye contact with Tom. Jon was just finishing his little introduction  when I looked at him, tuning my attention back into the present conversation.
"Her non-hero name is Alexis or Lexi Branson, and she goes to MSST as well. The rest will be explained as we go along, but for now, I have things to do, so get acquainted with everyone. And Tom," Jon looked pointedly at Tom. "Stay out of trouble, we just started."
"Yes sir!" Tom saluted mockingly, trying not to grin.
Jon just rolled his eyes and left with Kevin and Amy. The moment they shut the door there was silence for several awkward moments as I stood in front of them all, staring at my feet. I looked up when there was movement, however, to see Zendaya coming to me.
"Hey, I'm Zendaya, but you probably already knew that," Zendaya smiled, reaching for my hand to shake it. I shook it, and now that someone had gone first, everyone got up and did along the same lines as Zendaya. All except for Tom. He still sat where he was, and by the time I was done talking to everyone else, I caught a glance of Tom and saw he was on his phone. I was sitting on the arm of one of the couches and texting fervently, to whom, I had no idea.
It seemed as though Zendaya noticed this as well, so she went over to Tom and whacked him on the shoulder. He looked up and I saw Zendaya glare at him, jerking her head in my direction, indicating that he had better things to do than sit on his phone texting.
"Oh, right, sorry," I heard him partially mutter to Zendaya as he got up and made his way towards me. At once I became extremely nervous, I had no clue what the heck I was gonna say to him. I mean, he's Tom Holland for heaven's sake. What are you supposed to say to Spider-Man?!
"Hey," his British accent almost made me melt into the floor and through the world into China.
"Uhh... Ihavetogogetmyfriend," I spilled out and kept my self from actually running out the door.
I got out the door and let out a shakey breath before clamping my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming.
That was so stupid. I just ran out on Tom Holland. My excuse I gave him was completely valid, but my reasoning behind it was just dumb. I was 20 years old, and I had been a fan of Tom since before he filmed The Impossible. So you can understand my reaction to him, because meeting him for the first time since then wasn't supposed to be normal.
I stood there for several minutes, calming myself down before pushing off the wall I had collapsed onto and walking down the hall toward the waiting room I had started the day in. I walked in to see Kate still sitting there messing with her phone, although she had earbuds in this time. I walked over to her, and only when my shadow fell over her phone screen did she look up at me.
"Hey!" She pulled her earbuds out and stood up, a smile in her face. "Well? Did you do okay? You were in there for a while."
I decided to tease her by acting like I didn't get it, so I put on a disappointed face and looked at my feet while I twiddled with my necklace.
"You didn't make it?" She looked upset. "I'm so sorry, I know how much you wanted this."
She hugged me tightly, then stepped back and I could no longer hold it. I looked up at her and grinned. When she got the idea of what just happened she make a face of mock-hurt and. Whacked me on the arm, exclaiming, "Gosh dangit, Nic! Don't do that!"
"I'm sorry! I couldn't help it," I laughed.
"So you got it?!" She asked, for confirmation.
"I got it!" I freaked out, squealing like a little girl because I was so excited.
Kate started squealing too and we hugged each other, jumping up and down in pure joy. Once we calmed down enough for me to speak I explained what happened.
"... And then, Jon took me into a back room where the whole cast was waiting," I breathed out, finishing my explanation.
"So you met him?!" Kate almost screamed.
"Shhh! We have to go back now, but yes, briefly," I looked back down at my feet as I said the last.
"What do you mean briefly? Did you run out as soon as he said hi to you?!" Kate's voice was accusing in the best friend way.
"Maybe," I muttered, not looking at her.
"Niiiiic!" She dragged out my name. "Why would you do that?! You've been dying to meet this guy since you were like 13!"
"I don't know! And don't go calling me Nic in front of him, or any of them really, because I don't want them knowing my middle name yet."
"What's wrong with them knowing your middle name is Nichole?" Kate teased.
"Nothing! I just don't want them to know yet," I glared at her.
"Okay okay!" She finally gave in.
"C'mon, they're gonna be wondering where I am," I jerked my head in the direction of the door I had previously come through.
Kate grabbed her purse and followed me back down the hall and back into the room where the cast sat talking and laughing loudly. The moment I came back in the room, I saw Tom's head snap up to look at me and he shot off of the couch arm that he had been sitting on earlier.
"Thank goodness you're still here, I swear by the look on your face I had scared you away for good," there was a hint of humor in his voice but it was overpowered by the concern that was prominent on his face.
I gulped. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. My eyes were locked on his and I couldn't move a muscle. However, Kate was the best friend in the world and she stepped forward, speaking for me. "Hi, I'm Kate. I'm the friend she went to get. It's amazing to meet you."
Bless her.
"Yeah you too," Tom smiled and I slowly died on the inside.
Okay. That's it! I need to pull it together because if I'm gonna be working with him for the next several months I needed to clamp my jaw shut, pull together my courage, and be myself. I need to put away my inner fan girl and be professionally my own self.
I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes for a split second.
"I'm looking forward to working with you," I reached out my hand and Tom looked slightly surprised for a moment before smiling brightly and shaking my hand.
"Me too, it's gonna be so much fun."
"Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, I was just overwhelmed. It's a lot to take in all at once. But anyway, I'm Elena."
"Well it's good to meet you. And don't worry about earlier, I completely understand. I was the same way when I first found out I was going to be Spider-Man. It's normal in this particular industry."
He was so nice and sweet I just wanted to hug him for like five hours. But I didn't and instead took Kate around to meet everyone else. Tom wandered not far behind us, occasionally placing his input in on certain subjects, and other times remaining silent. I was acutely aware of his gaze on me the majority of the time we were there and I was so temped to turn around and catch him in the act just to make him feel uncomfortable. I was like that sometimes.
Several hours passed and finally Kevin, Jon, and Amy all came back into the room.
"Hopefully you all have had a good amount of time to get to know each other a little. But now it's time we get to the technicalities. Elena, we need you to go with Jon and fill out the paperwork, your friend can stay here if she wants. The rest of you can continue for a little bit. When they come back we'll discuss where you all will be staying and such. Filming officially starts on Monday," Amy did the explaining, and when she finished I followed Jon out of the room, only glancing back once. I caught Tom looking at me again.

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