Chapter 17

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~Tom's POV~

I bolted up from the couch before even hanging up the phone with Kate, running for the door and grabbing my keys on the way. Harrison shouted after me but I didn't answer because I was in too much of a panic to really even hear him. I slammed the door behind me and leaped down the five steps that lead up to the front porch, sprinting to my car in front of the house. I jumped in and started the car as quickly as I could and took off down the road. By the time I reached my house I realized that I had forgotten to call Kate back on the way there, but it barely crossed my mind as I burst through the front door. Kate was just by the stairs waiting anxiously for me, and when I came in she looked relieved and terrified all at once. 

"What happened?! Where is she?!" I asked frantically, seeing how scared she was.

"She's upstairs," she started and I went straight for the stairs, taking them two at a time with Kate right behind me, still talking. "She locked herself in her bathroom about an hour ago and I heard a scream and a crash and she won't come out."

I raced for the door to her bathroom and slammed against it as I came to a stop. I tried the doorknob unsuccessfully. "Elena? Elena! Please, it's me, please open the door. Elena?!"

"Tom?" Elena's voice came weak and quite from the other side of the door. "I-is that you?"

"Yes! Yes it's me. Please, just open the door," I begged, pulling at the knob and slamming my hand against the wood.

"I-.... I c-can't seem get -up," she sounded faint and I panicked even more, the feeling in my stomach of what horrors I might find behind this door tearing up my insides. 

"Elena?! Elena! Please!" I became desperate.

"I can't g-get u-up," there was a slight thud and I figured she had tried to move from wherever she was and had fallen back to her starting position.

I set my forehead against the door with a thud, the hand on the doorknob falling to hang limply by my side and the other above my head against the door. "Please," I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut which made one tear that had been collecting in my eye fall down my cheek. "Dammit Elena, please." I thumped my fist against the door one last time, knowing that there was no way for me to get to her, even though she was no less than five feet away from me.

Wait a second.

I stood back from the door, "Elena how close are you to the door?!" I asked, now begging for her to be able to answer.

"I... I-I'm by the s-shower," I barely heard her mumble.

The shower is far enough away from the door. Good.

I backed up from the door by several feet and Kate looked at me even more panicked than before. I looked determinately at the door and then ran at it, ramming my shoulder into the wood and the door burst open in a cloud of dust and shattered pieces. I ran over to Elena, who was crumpled in the corner of the bathroom by the shower. Blood and glass were everywhere, but I didn't care. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her bridal style out of the bathroom and into her room where I set her on the chair in the corner and grabbed the nearest piece of cloth. I examined her bloody hands for any remaining glass before pressing the t-shirt I had grabbed to them.

"Elena? Elena can you hear me?" I asked her, trying to keep my voice level and calm so that it wouldn't frighten her. 

"Tom?" she replied deliriously.

"I'm right here, Elena, you're gonna be just fine," I mumbled the last bit, more trying to convince myself than anyone else. When she didn't say anything else I looked up at her face for the first time and my heart almost stopped. She had a large cut on the left side of her forehead that was oozing blood down her face. "Shit," I mumbled, standing up quickly. I ran to the door to find Kate because she hadn't come into the room with us. "Kate!" I called and she came running out of Harrison's room with Grant right behind her.

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