Chapter 18

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~Tom's POV~

We all sat around and talked for a while until it was pretty late and Kate and Grant decided to go to bed. Since Elena and I had slept the entire day, neither of us were tired enough to go back to bed. So after a little bit of watching some TV, I got up and went in the kitchen, putting a bit of food together for both of us. I brought it back to where Elena was curled in the corner of the couch watching Graceland, and handed her a plate. She took it carefully and set it on her lap, digging in as I sat down next to her and did the same.

Several hours went until it was quite early in the morning and we decided to go get ready for filming. I went up to my room and put a pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt on, then went in my bathroom and brushed my teeth, ran my fingers through my hair to make it less disastrous, and then went back downstairs. Kate and Grant were making breakfast and Elena was sitting at the kitchen table on her phone.

"Mornin'," I said, going to the fridge and grabbing a protein shake.

"Morning," Kate replied. Grant hummed in response and Elena said nothing.

I sat down across from Elena and pulled out my own phone, going on Instagram to check things out for a bit. I always liked flicking through my billions of tags and then choosing one random good one and liking it, just to freak my fans out. The hilarity that never failed to come afterwards always made me laugh.

When Kate was done with breakfast she set it on the table and everyone ate. When I was finished I went back upstairs to grab anything I would need for the day and then went down to the door. By then Elena was already waiting.

"Ready?" I asked. Kate had opted to stay at the house with Grant for the day, since he hadn't gotten permission to come to set yet.

"As I'll ever be," she said quietly. I opened the door for her and we both went out to my car. I opened the passenger door for her and then hopped in the drivers side. We drove for a little more than 10 minutes when I pulled into the parking lot for the set. We both got out and were immediately greeted by Jon, Zendaya, a bunch of assistants, and Harrison...
Everyone instantly surrounded Elena, chattering quite loudly and freaking out about her bandaged head. Everyone except Haz. He was standing a ways back from everyone and looking at Elena, a look of overwhelming regret in his eyes. I could tell that it was starting to be overwhelming for Elena, she was stumbling over her words and her eyes were flashing around in fear. She made eye contact with me and I knew.

I stepped quickly forward and gently pushed everyone back away from her and stood next to her, "Geez everybody, calm down and let her breathe!"

They all looked uncomfortable for a moment when Jon spoke up, "We're glad you're alright Elena, and I'm glad you're all finally here. It's time we get started."

Elena nodded in response and then caught sight of Harrison. She froze and I could see that she stopped breathing. I was already standing close to her so I reached out with my hand and took her's in it, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance. She sucked in a sharp breath of air and squeezed my hand back before letting go.

"Tom, come with me," Jon said, gesturing at me. "Elena, you can go with Zendaya, she can show you where your trailer is and then show you around, and I'll meet you there in little bit."

I nodded and walked with Jon, glancing over my shoulder to see Elena start walking away with Z. I turned back to watch where I was walking, waiting for Jon to say what I knew he was going to say.

"Is she okay?" Jon stopped and looked at me with a serious expression.

I stopped a few steps in front of him and turned to face him, mirroring his expression. "I don't know," I replied honestly.

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