Chapter 13

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~Elena's POV~

I was extremely confused for several minutes as I tried to remember why, how, and when I got here. But the more I thought about it the more confused I got and the headache I had got worse. So I stopped. I looked back down at my hand joined with Tom's and at his sleeping form with his head on the bed, and I smiled. He was adorable, I mean, you couldn't deny that. He was also really sweet to have stayed here with me, even though I still had no idea why I was there at all. I watched him breathe calmly as he slept for what felt like hours.
My trance was broken, however, by the door to my hospital room opening. I looked over and saw a doctor. He smiled when he saw me and then even bigger when he looked next to me and saw Tom.
"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, being quiet enough to not wake Tom.
"Like a sledgehammer is being swung against my skull really hard," I grinned sarcastically, although it was more like a cringe.
"Okay," he wrote it down on the clipboard he was holding. "That's normal considering how hard you hit your head."
"Oh joy," I muttered, closing my eyes to provide at least a little relief. "What even happened?" I muttered the question.
"Apparently you fell and hit the corner of a table. Although he," he gestured at Tom. "Wouldn't specify how."
"Oh. Okay," I looked back down at where Tom was still sleeping peacefully, and I frowned a little. I wondered why he wouldn't tell them how I hit my head, but I knew it definitely wasn't because I fell. I'm not that much of a klutz. This got me wondering what has happened since the first night I met them. Then I realised, I didn't even know how much time had even passed since then.
"Wait!" I forgot to be quiet. "What day is it?!"
I payed no attention to the sleeping man on the side of my bed, who was no longer sleeping after I raised my voice. I was too consumed by my extreme need to know how much time had passed... how much time I had lost.
"It's Sunday night, almost Monday," the doctor replied, now slightly concerned.
"It's almost Monday?!" I started panicking. My breathing sped up and I sat up in the bed, my headache instantly turning from a sledgehammer to a jackhammer. "How is it almost Monday?! It's not almost Monday, it was just Friday!"
I vaguely felt the hand gripping mine tighten, but I barely noticed. My vision was going black and I couldn't seem to get any air into my lungs. All noise grew faint.
"Elena, Elena!" I could barely hear someone calling my name before everything went totally black and I fell back on the bed, losing consciousness.

~Tom's POV~
-a few moments earlier-

I was stirred awake by the sound of a voice that appeared to be freaking out. I jolted upright and blinked my eyes open. I looked at my hand gripping someone else's and I remember everything that happened as I looked up at a panicking Elena.
"It's Sunday night, almost Monday," the doctor answered Elena's previous question that I hadn't heard.
"It's almost Monday?!" Elena started panicking even more. She winced a little as she bolted upright in the bed, like she had a headache. "How is it almost Monday?! It's not almost Monday, it was just Friday!"
I gripped her hand tighter, my concern growing as her breathing became faster. Out of nowhere she collapsed back onto the bed, consciousnesses instantly leaving her as I called out her name.
"Elena? Elena!" I stood up and leaned over her a bit, shaking her slightly in an attempt to wake her up. "Crap," I muttered.
"Sir, would you please step aside for a moment?" I turned to see the doctor behind me, politely waving me aside so he could tend to her.
"Oh. Sorry," I murmured, stepping back and letting Elena's hand slip from my own.
The doctor stepped up next to her and checked her over before arranging her more comfortably from how she landed. I waited patiently, but on the inside I was panicking myself. I couldn't tell them how she got hurt because as much as I hated Harrison at the moment, I didn't hate him enough to get him put in jail. And if I told them, they would have to call the cops on him because it's part of their job. The other reason I was freaking out was because as I stood there I quickly thought through the past few minutes in my head and realized what Elena was asking. I began fidgeting a little unknowingly, as I realized more and more of what was going on.
Elena hit her head hard enough that she forgot the past three days...
Oh sh*t.
When she wakes up, I'm going to have to tell her what happened. And she's going to have to go through that all over again. Crap.
I'm going to have to tell her what Harrison did to her, and why and how she hit her head. I'm going to have to tell her that I lost control of myself and beat the hell out of my best friend because of her. I'm going to have to tell her that, I promised her. I promised her I would protect her. I promised I wouldn't let anyone hurt her ever again... and I couldn't keep that promise... if I'd been able to, she wouldn't be in a hospital bed unconscious right now.
What am I gonna do?
How am I supposed to tell her all this. I mean, even if I'm able to, the effects could be... oh God, the effects could be catastrophic. Her mental state would be completely destroyed. I mean, it already was when she experienced it the first time, but by me having to tell her what happened to her all over again, it could be even worse.

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