Chapter 3

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-Elena's POV-

Writing up the papers took almost an hour, and afterwards we went back to where everyone else was to hear what we were doing next. I sat down next to Kate, who was sitting by Zendaya, and I looked at Kevin expectedly.
"So, we start filming on Monday," he paused as many of us cheered and clapped, all of us excited for the coming fun. "Which means the newcomers need a place to stay. So, Elena, you and if your friend wants to stay, will be staying with Tom and his friend Harrison since he has an entire house to himself. The rest of you already know where you're staying. Now, Jon will pass out the scripts, study them over the weekend, and I will see you all on Monday."
As soon as he was done talking everyone broke out in conversation again. I looked at Kate and she looked back at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking.
"So, you're staying with us, eh?" Tom said, coming up to me with a taller blonde guy next to him.
I gulped, attempting to calm myself down and keep myself from running out again. I don't even know why I was so nervous around him, I just was. I mean, he's famous.
"Y-Yeah, I guess so," I managed to say.
"This is my best mate Harrison, in case you didn't already know," Tom gestures toward the blonde and my brain pieced it together. I already knew that was Harrison, I just didn't realize it because I was too distracted.
"Right," I stood up, Kate doing the same. I reached out my hand to Harrison and he shook it. "I remember."
Tom smiled and shared a knowing look with Harrison which made me feel a little uncomfortable.
"Do you know where the house is?" Harrison asked.
"Nope," I replied, shuffling my feet a little. I started fiddling with my necklace again, it's what I did when I was nervous or embarrassed, or anxious.
"Do you have a way to get there?" Tom asked this time.
"I have my car," Kate said, stepping up next to me.
"Well, if you follow us we'll show you the way there."
"Sounds good," Kate smiled. "We going now?"
"Sure, if you're both ready," Tom looked directly at me.
"I have to talk to Jon for a minute," I looked down at the floor, avoiding Tom's gaze. "I'll be back."
I walked away from them and went over to Jon. He was talking to Amy and Zendaya, so I waited a short distance away until they were done with their conversation. When they were done Jon turned to me, a smile on his face.
"What do you need?" He asked.
"I live like two hours away, as you know, and I was wondering if I can go back home and get some more stuff that I need. I only have enough for tonight because I wasn't exactly expecting to actually get the job," I let out a nervous laugh at the end, not knowing what his reaction would be.
"Yes of course, take your time. Just make sure you're back on Sunday so you can spend some time with the rest of the cast."
"Alright, I will. Thanks!" I smiled, then turned back around and made my way slowly back to where Tom, Haz, and Kate were all still chatting happily.
"So?" Kate asked when I finally reached them, and all three looked at me in silence.
"We can go home and get what we need, as long as we're back by Sunday," I replied, only looking at Kate.
"Wait, you're not going back home now are you?" Tom asked, a drop of disappointment laced in his voice. "We were gonna have everyone over for a celebration party."
"I was planning on going back tomorrow, actually," I looked him in the eyes, and this time I didn't flinch and look away.
"Oh, good. Cuz the party is technically for you," Haz said, and Tom whacked him on the shoulder, whispering something in his ear that sounded like 'shut up'.
"Oh..." I didn't know where to go with that.
"W-we'll, for the newcomers, I mean," Haz's stutter displayed his obvious mistake that he apparently wasn't supposed to make.
Tom was still glaring at him and I saw that Kate was trying not to laugh. Harrison was shuffling his feet and looking awkward.
"Anyway," I stopped the awkward silence. "We gonna go or not?"
"Yeah," Tom stopped glaring at Harrison and looked at me, a smile creeping back onto his face. "Let's go."
I grabbed my bag and so did Kate, and then we followed the boys out of the lounge and out of the building into the parking garage.
"We'll drive to the exit and wait for you there," Tom said as we parted ways to go to our separate vehicles.
They disappeared around a column and out of sight, and the second I could no longer see them, I collapsed against a wall.
"This isn't actually happening, is it? This cannot be happening. This is a dream. I'm dreaming. I am dreaming right?" I started hyperventilating as I looked at Kate.
"You're not dreaming, and yes this is actually happening. C'mon, we gotta go. You'll be fine, you just need to be yourself, and try and get to know them."
I took a minute to breathe and calm down, before getting into the passenger side of Kate's car and relaxing against the seat.
"This is actually happening," I muttered, running a hand through my hair and leaning my head against the headrest.
"Yup!" Kate grinned, starting the car and pulling out of the parking spot.
We pulled up next to a sleek black car with the window rolled down to reveal Harrison in the passenger seat and Tom was driving.
"Stay close! It's about twenty minutes from here," Tom grinned and shut the window, pulling out of the parking garage and taking off down the road.
We followed and about twenty minutes later they pulled into a driveway of a large white house. We parked next to them and got out of the car.
"Here we are!" Tom gestured widely at the house in demonstration. "Come on in."
We followed him into the house after getting our overnight bags out of the back seat. The first floor was an open floor plan, the kitchen to the upper left spread into the dining room, which was up right of the living room which was directly right when we went in the door. The staircase was directly to the left when we came in. Straight in front of us on the opposite wall were double doors leading out to where I could see a large pool and section of bright green grass.
"Home sweet home, at least for a few months," Tom laughed, tossing his keys onto the kitchen counter. "Make yourself comfortable. Zendaya and the rest should be here pretty soon."
"Shouldn't you show them where their rooms are?" Harrison smirked at Tom, raising an eyebrow.
"Right," Tom started up the stairs and motioned for us to follow him.
We went up after him and down a hallway to the end of it. There was a door on either side of him and he opened the one to the left. It revealed a sky blue bedroom with a large bed and several windows.
"I'll stay here!" Kate almost shouted, smiling like an idiot and storming into the room, flopping on the bed with a sigh.
"Okay," I rolled my eyes.
"I guess you'll be staying in here then," Tom smiled softly, opening the door on the opposite side of the hall. It opened into a beautifully decorated room, with heather gray walls and a soft green bedspread on the queen size bed. I went in and set my bag down on a chair in the corner. I looked around more and saw a door to the right that was open into another bedroom. However, the other one was a lot more lived-in looking. The covers were thrown back and the pillows were piled in the middle. There was a pair of jeans and a shirt lying over the arm of a chair and there was a laptop open with papers lying next to it on the desk.
"Oh, sorry," Tom walked quickly over to the door and shut it, turning back to me and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Is that your room?" I asked, looking at the floor and once again fiddling with my necklace.
"Uh, y-yeah," Tom stuttered out awkwardly. "The rooms on either side of the hallway are connected to each other. So Kate's is connected to Harrison's as well. I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind. We just didn't expect anyone else to be staying here."
"It's fine," I replied quicker than I should have. I looked up at him and he was looking at his feet, still slightly rubbing his neck.
I looked away from him and to my left where there were two doors next to each other. I went over and opened one to reveal a nice bathroom, well furnished and with its own shower. Then I opened the second one and there was a closet.
After I was done looking around I turned back to Tom. I saw that he had been watching me this whole time and heat began to rise to my cheeks.
Just then there was a bang from downstairs and we all heard a "THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!"
Oh Zendaya, what are we gonna do with you.

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