Chapter 10

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-Elena's POV-

"Elena? Elena are you okay?" Tom's voice was fuzzy and sounded like it was coming from way far off. I could still tell what he said, however, so I nodded slowly in response.
"No you're not," he said stubbornly, and I could tell he was still angry, although it wasn't directed at me. I look over at the floor a few feet away from me, my vision still blurry around the edges, to see Harrison sprawled on the floor clutching his nose and his side as he rolled slightly; obviously in immense pain.
I slowly turned my head back to face Tom, my ears still ringing as I saw several tears stream down his cheeks, him roughly wiping them away before speaking again.
"Can you stand?" My hearing was slowly coming back so I could almost clearly hear what he said.
"I think so," I breathed out.
He stood up first and reached out his hand. I took it and slowly stood up, not thinking about how dizzy I would be, and fell into his arms as my vision blurred and my head spun. I could hear the blood rushing to my head and I looked up at Tom's watery brown eyes. I tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth as black closed in around my vision and I passed out in Tom's arms.


-Tom's POV-

I wasn't expecting her to pass out, but I was ready when she did. I picked her up bridal style and went towards the door. I heard Harrison cough but I ignored him as I opened the door.
"I'm sorry," I heard him rasp out, and I almost didn't reply. I hated him so much right then, I was barely able to control myself when I was hitting him. I still hated him. But a part of my heart still cared about him because he was my best friend. He'd always been there for me no matter what; and even though he hurt her, I still cared.
I turned back to him slightly and replied, "It's too late for sorry, at least to her. I might forgive you one day. But her," I looked down at Elena's emotionless face as her head rested on my shoulder. "She'll be terrified of you for the rest of her life."
Then I left the house, closing the door behind me. I gently laid Elena in the passenger seat of my car and buckled her in before I went around the drivers seat and got in. I drove to the nearest hospital and quickly took Elena inside.
"What happened to her?" One of the nurses asked as several others laid her on a bed and started rolling her down several hallways.
"She fell and hit her head on the corner of a table," I answered walking with them.
"Alright, thank you. We need to get her into a CT scan right away. I'm sorry but you you have to wait in the waiting room," she looked sternly at me, already knowing that I would protest. But I wasn't going to protest. I wasn't gonna complain. I was simply not going to leave Elena's side.
I looked directly into the nurse's eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I am not going to leave her."
My voice was so calm, and so quiet, but there was a touch of venom behind it because I promised her I would protect her; and that meant I would never leave her.
The nurse swallowed and replied, "Fine. But you can't be directly next to her every second. Otherwise you could die."

A few hours later and I was sitting in a chair by Elena's bed in a hospital room, waiting for her to wake up. The nurse had told me earlier that there was no permanent damage and there was no bleeding on the brain. She did however have a severe concussion and they were going to keep her overnight for observation. I had already called Kate and told her everything. She told me she would be at the hospital in the morning because she hadn't even left her house yet to go back to ours, which meant she'd have a long night already. Kate also told me that she'd look after Harrison, even though she currently despised him for hurting her best friend.
I had also called Kevin and Amy to tell them that we would have to push the start of filming back a few days because I didn't want to leave Elena there alone, and we were supposed to start tomorrow.

Now I just had to wait. I sat next to Elena's bed, holding her hand gently. I was so tired that I started to nod off a little, until I felt her hand move a little. I looked up at her face but her eyes hadn't opened yet. However her hand moved a little more, and then more, just enough to intertwine her fingers with my own. I smiled and rested my head on the edge of the bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

A/N - I know it's a short one but I hadn't written in a while and I wanted to give you something. I'll be working on the next couple chapters so you should have those not TOO long from now. Also TYSM for all the reads, it means so much! Love you all!❤️

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