Chapter 9

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-Elena's POV-

I squeezed his hand a little, then looked down at our hands. For some strange reason it felt right for my hand to be where it was holding his. They fit each other like two halves of a mold, each different in their own way, but when they're put together, they make one masterpiece.
I let a few moments pass before letting go of his hand, glancing up at him and turning back toward my bed.
"Goodnight," he whispered as I walked away, and I heard the door click shut behind me.
I flopped back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, knowing that I wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon because I had been sleeping all day. I closed my eyes, but the moment I did, all of the images from last night came flooding back, flashing like club lights in front of my eyes.
I opened my eyes and sighed, rolling to the side and picking up my phone from the bedside table. I looked at what time it was, groaning at the fact that is was almost 9:00 pm, before opening Instagram.
I wasn't surprised to see only a few followers had joined my crew, and even they were only old friends, because I knew that Marvel had yet to announce my role in the new movie. I was surprised, however, to see that Tom had followed me. I followed him back and then found the rest of the cast to follow them as well. Zendaya followed me back like three seconds later and I smiled, knowing that she was on Instagram. I was scrolling through my feed when I saw a picture that Tom had posted. It was a selfie of him, but I was in it too. I wasn't even looking at the camera, but was on my phone in what appeared to be the hangout spot the day of my audition. I don't even remember him taking the picture.
I looked at his caption to see what he said.

tomholland2013 - New castmate! Welcome to the crew Elena🤙🏻😂

"Oh great," I groaned. "At least you can't see my whole face cuz my hair's in the way."
I debated about commenting, but decided against it. I didn't want anyone to start following me until I was officially announced as part of the MCU, and had my account turned into a business account. That way I could have an official one.
I continued scrolling through my feed, occasionally liking a photo here and there, and then I decided to make my business account while I was thinking about it. About ten minutes later and I was satisfied. My username was @elenaherris96, and it was official. I followed all of my cast mates again, as well as the directors and anything else related to my job, and then I followed the one friend that knew about my new job, which was Katelyn. I added a bio and I was done. Now I just had to wait for the announcement.
I set my phone back down and rolled onto my back. Closing my eyes again, hoping that the images would no longer be there. But they were, so I decided to finally get up. I put on a pair of shorts and left my room, going down the stairs slowly to make sure that no one else was down there. The first floor was empty so I went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle before standing against the doorframe of the sliding doors.
I watched the leaves of the trees blow in the gentle breeze and the water in the pool ripple just a little. What felt like hours later, but was only minutes, I heard the front doorknob turning and I whipped my head around, terror in my eyes. The door opened to reveal a decrepit Harrison. His face was tear stained and he looked like he hadn't slept in months. I had no idea how long he had been gone, and honestly I didn't care at that moment, but the look on his face when he realized I was standing there tugged on a tiny part of my heart.
I saw his eyes tear up again and he stared at me in shock and distress. I gulped and backed up until my back hit the doorframe. I was all the way across the room from him but I was still terrified.
"I-I," he gulped out in barely a whisper. "Oh God, Elena."
He stepped forward a few paces and I shrunk back away from him, tears once again forming in my eyes as all of what happened flooded my mind. I couldn't hear anything except the rushing of my own blood and the pounding of my heart and the small breaths of air I was surprised I was able to receive.
"P-please, I am so sorry. I have no idea what came over me, I-"
"No!" I shocked myself when I heard my own voice shout. "Just stay away from me!"
"No, please! Elena!" Harrison was desperate, getting closer and closer to me, quickening his pace.
Before he got close enough to me to where is could no longer get away from him, I side stepped to my left and ran as far around him as I could towards the stairs. Unfortunately I was never very fast and I felt a hand grab my arm right before I got the the first step.
"No!" I screamed louder, struggling to get away from him. "Please, just let me go!"
I continued to struggle, Harrison only tightening his grip on me, and eventually reaching his other arm around my middle in more of an attempt to get me closer to him.
"Elena! Please just listen to me!" We were both struggling and I was screaming.
"TOM HELP!" I finally screamed loud enough that I thought I shattered a window for a moment.
I heard thudding and slamming as I continued to squirm and wriggle to try and get out of Harrison's iron grip. I thrashed at him, whacking and kicking him.
Then there were thudding footsteps down the stairs and I caught a glimpse of Tom just as I felt Harrison instantly let go of me. And since I was pulling away from him so hard, I lurched forward when he let go. Falling head first toward the the dining room table and hitting my head on the corner of it. I collapsed on the floor, clutching my head and still bawling and almost screaming. Terror and sobs were wracking my body.
Through my crying I heard thuds that sounded like someone getting punched and falling to the floor and a shout that I couldn't pinpoint as Tom's or Harrison's. Although I'm pretty sure it was Tom screaming something at Harrison, even though I couldn't make out what he said.
I was still sobbing really hard when I sat up slowly. Halfway up I felt arms around me helping me, and I looked over to see Tom, a bruise starting to form on one cheek. Anger and terror in a jumble written on his face.

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