Chapter 19

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~Elena's POV~

When Tom walked away with Jon, Zendaya came over to me and smiled, gesturing for me to come with her. I started walking with her, but I glanced at Tom as he walked in the other direction. For a brief moment I watched him walk, his shoulders were relaxed and he seemed less tense than what I had seen him the past few days. I came to the conclusion that he was most likely relaxed because he was finally getting back into something he loves doing, and he's in a setting that he's so used to it's like a second home for him. I, however, was more nervous than I had been for my audition.

I looked back in front of me and saw Zendaya looking at me with a strange expression that I couldn't quite figure out. I realized that she had seen me looking at Tom, which made my chest grow hot. We made it to my trailer and she took me inside, showing me where everything was, and then we went out and she showed me around the set; where the place to get food was, the different spots for different people, and the different groups of sets for the filming. When we were done Zendaya had to get ready for a scene, so I went back to my trailer after I thanked her and she ran off to go prepare.

When I got inside my trailer and had shut the door behind me, I collapsed against it and took a breath. My head was throbbing and I clutched it with one hand, wanting the headache—that I had had for what felt like a century now—to go away. I was startled away from the door when there was a knock on it. I waited a moment, recovering from the surprise, and then opened it to see a brown-haired young man, with brown eyes shining brightly in the early morning sunlight, standing outside.

"Hey you," Tom said and I smiled at his words.

"Hey," I opened the door wider for him to come in but he stayed where he was.

"I can't stay long, I have to go get ready for the first scene, but I thought I'd come see if you were settled in and comfortable," he gave me a soft smile.

"I am, thanks for checking," I gave him a ghost of a smile.

"Alright, then I better get going. I'll come check on you later," he started to turn away.

"You don't have to come check on me all the time," I looked at him, knowing full well why he said he would come check on me later. He was protective of me, to put it in the short version. He was afraid that something else might happen to me, and so he was always making sure I was okay. But he didn't need to. "I'm alright, Tom." My voice was firm, but quiet, the intent of getting it through to him that I wasn't going to die if he didn't see me for a few hours hopefully evident in the tone.

"I know I just..." he sounded like he didn't know how to finish his sentence.

"I'll be fine. You should stay focused anyway, it's just the first day and you're already supposed to be somewhere that you're currently not. Go on, I'll be fine. I'll come find you if I need something," I tried to convince him that I'd be okay.

He let out a sigh and then nodded, "Alright, but if you need anything at all, come find me right away, okay?"

"I will," I replied. "Have fun."

"I'll try," he mustered a smile and then jogged away to wherever he needed to be.

I shut the door again and flopped face first on the couch, groaning into the cushions and wanting my headache to just GO AWAY.

As I laid there I thought about how Tom had been around me the past few days, and the conversation we just had. He was extremely protective, that I knew for sure. He was almost too protective. He had been that way with me since the moment I made eye contact with him when I walked into the lounge after auditions on Thursday. He had come to my rescue that night, and had defended me against his best friend from then on, and strangely enough, it made me feel safe. It made me feel good... like someone really cared about me. Like really cared.

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