Chapter 7

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Elena's POV-

I cried long and hard that night, clear into the early morning when I finally cried myself to sleep in Tom's arms. He fell asleep not long after me, his arms wrapped around me and head resting on top of my own. No one disturbed us for hours and when I finally woke up and looked at the alarm clock by my bed it was almost 3:00 in the afternoon. My mind was foggy as I looked around myself, taking in my surroundings until my eyes landed on a slumbering Tom; cuddled against me and breathing softly. I shifted a little, being careful not to wake him, and getting into a more comfortable position. He moved a little with me but didn't wake up, and I closed my eyes, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck.
I didn't fall back asleep, but my mind started to clear and I realized where I was, what happened last night and what I was currently doing; and my eyes snapped back open. I moved away from Tom as quickly as I could which in turn jerked him awake. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then looked at me in surprise.
"What's wrong?" He grew concerned. "Are you okay?"
He reached his hand out toward me and I flinched away, grabbing onto a pillow again. I shook my head as he continued to reach for me for a moment, and when I put half of my face in the pillow and shook my head harder he backed up, letting his arm fall back to his lap.
"I'm sorry," he said for the third time in the past several hours.
I jerked my head up and looked at him. "No. It's okay. It's not you, it's just..."
"Men," he finished for me, his voice low and solum.
"In a way," I looked down at my hands fiddling with the corner of the pillow in my lap.
"I get it," he was still looking at me but I wouldn't meet his gaze. "But, I will never, ever, hurt you. I can promise you that, right now. I will never hurt you."
I finally looked up to lock eyes with him, my own filling with tears. "P-promise?" My voice shook.
"I promise," his gaze never wavered but stayed locked on mine.
The tears that were building in my eyes spilled over onto my cheeks and I shifted slowly back over into Tom's strong, outstretched arms. I knew I was crying a lot, but I had a right to. I had a right to cry because of what he did.
"H-he hurt m-me," I mumbled against Tom's chest, my tears soaking his shirt once again.
"I know, I know," He hushed me, slightly rocking me back and forth.
"It hurts, so bad," I clutched at my stomach and scrunched myself up into Tom, actual pain pulsing through my body. "I feel like I'm going to throw up."
I sat up a little, still clutching my stomach, and I clamped a hand over my mouth.
"Oh my God," I muttered and jumped off the bed, running towards the bathroom.
Tom ran after me, knowing exactly what was happening. I fell to my knees in front of the toilet, throwing the lid open and emptying anything that was in my stomach into the bowl. Tom knelt down beside me and rubbed my back as he held my hair. Tears continued to stream down my face as I leaned over the bowl, heaving from all of the crying. Minutes passed as I sat there, Tom's soothing touch eventually calming me down so that I leaned back against the opposite wall from the toilet. He sat beside me and wrapped a protective arm around me, gently rubbing my arm.
I curled into a ball, hugging my knees to my chest and leaned on him. I mulled over the last 24 hours and realized that I had only just met Tom yesterday... and now look where we were.
I let out a little huff that was all I couldn't manage of a laugh at the time.
"What?" Tom asked and I could feel him smile a little.
"I just realized that you and I only met yesterday, and now this," I replied, slightly muffled by his shirt.
"Yeah, that is kinda funny. But it's also sad," Tom let out a momentary chuckle before giving me a light squeeze.
"Yeah," I sighed.
We sat there for another twenty minutes, when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I stiffened and looked up and Tom, my eyes wide and filled with fear.
"I'll go," Tom said, knowing what I was thinking. He got up gently, leaving me behind on the bathroom floor to go answer the door. I heard him open it and I hugged my knees again when I heard voices.
A moment later I saw Kate in the doorway of the bathroom before she was crashing into me in a tight bearhug.
"Oh my gosh Nic! Are you okay?" She hugged me tighter and I couldn't breathe.
"Mhm," I umphed out and she realized she was suffocating me and backed off.
"I'm so sorry about what happened," Kate looked at her lap.
"I wish you two would stop apologizing, it won't help because neither of you are at fault. It was all H-..." I couldn't finish his name, my voice getting caught in my throat.
"Right," Tom half muttered from where he was standing leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom.
I sat on the floor for another few silent moments before shifting and stiffly getting up. I closed the lid to the toilet and flushed it, before walking slowly and tipsily past Tom, back to my bed. I laid down and pulled the covers over me, feeling the edge of the bed sink. I tipped my head in that direction and saw Tom sitting there looking at me, worry still evident behind his eyes as he looked at me.
"I'm tired," I muttered, letting my eyes drift half shut.
"Get some more sleep," Tom leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead before standing up. "I'll be back later to check on you."
"Okay," I replied, even quieter. A moment later I heard the door click shut, and I fell into a light, dreamless sleep.

Four Reasons (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang