Donstar the Leader of SharkClan

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  This is Lucy's son that I was talking about.


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Mother: Lucy/Lilymoon
Father: Shadow
Mate: Username
Son: Maxwell
Daughters: Ayla, Marino, Lucy

Kit: Blood
Kittypet: Blood
BloodClan warrior: Don Lino
Loner: Don Lino
Rouge: Don Lino
Leader: Donstar

Mentor: Unkown

Apprentice: Blazefire, Firelily

Pasts: Kittypet, BloodClan, Loner, Rouge

Current: SharkClan

Donstar is the grandson of Scourge. I've made this picture about Donstar is the leader of SharkClan. I've made an idea last year when I was 14 and 15 years old. He is the main of antagonists just like Scourge.

Please help me find Donstar's mate's rouge name or warrior name. I really need somebody find a name for his mate. Thank you!

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