The Wishlist

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                                                 "First Meeting"

            I heard the bell ring signaling that class was over and gathered my things. When I was done I slowly made my way towards the courtyard. That was where I was meeting my three best friends. We were all supposed to meet there to eat lunch. I stopped at my locker and threw my books in before continuing down the hall. I finally made it outside and walked down the sidewalk to the courtyard.

            I was halfway down the sidewalk when I saw something coming at me. It rammed into me hard and the next thing I knew I was on my butt. I was stunned for just a minute. Then I looked up around me. I saw five guys standing over me.

            “I’m sorry,” the one on my left said. I looked right at him and instantly started frowning. I looked from his blue DC hat, to his dark brown eyes, to his smiling mouth, to his ‘That’s What She Said’ t-shirt, to his blue DC shoes. Ryder Machen. Of course.

            “What the hell is your problem,” I yelled as I stood up and grabbed my bag off of the ground. “If you’re gonna ride that thing around you should at the pay attention to where the hell you’re going!”

            “Well sorry,” he said as he looked a little shocked. I was a bit shocked myself. I never yelled at people, much less cussed at them.

            “Whatever,” I said as I pushed through them and made my way the rest of the way to the courtyard. When I did I saw my friends sitting at a table waiting for me.  I felt my butt and my ankle start to hurt where I fell on them. Stupid boy.

            “Where’ve you been,” Bailey asked me as I took my seat.

            “On the ground,” I said as I put my bag on the ground by my feet. I saw her open her mouth to say something but she didn’t get the chance.

            “Look I’m sorry I knocked you down but did you really have to get that mad,” a voice from my left said. When I looked over I saw that it was Ryder. He had pulled up a chair beside me. All of my friends were looking at me with shocked expressions.

            “Leave me alone,” I said to him as I turned my head towards Addison.

            “Why do you not like me,” he asked. I looked back over at him and saw him smiling at me.

            “You just knocked me on my butt and when you apologized you were smiling. Why do you think I don’t like you?”

            “I didn’t mean to run into you. I’m sorry.”

            “Yippee,” I said as I looked away again. I heard him start laughing and looked back over at him. He must be crazy.

            “You’re cute,” he said.

            “Imagine my joy that you think so,” I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes at him.

            “I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like me.”

            “There’s a first time for everything.”

            “I guess so. What’s your name,” he asked.


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