Chapter 8

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                                                                    "Dance Practice"

            The school day was over and I was looking for Ryder. It was my day to pick what we were gonna do and I knew exactly what I wanted him to do. I walked outside and finally saw Chase. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm.

            “Hey Sam,” he said to me with a smile.

            “Hey. Where’s Ryder,” I asked.

            “He’s right over here. You can come with me,” he said.

            “Thanks,” I told him with a smile.

            “So why do you need him?”

            “It’s my day to pick what we do.”

            “Ahh. So what are you gonna make him do?”

            “I can’t tell you that,” I told him with a smile.

            “Now I’m curious,” he said as we turned a corner. I saw Ryder standing up against the building talking to Mason and Zane.  “Hey Ryder,” Chase called out. When he turned and saw me he smiled and made his way over to me.

            “Hey Sam. What’s up,” he said.

            “Well seeing as how I was just ignored I think I’ll leave. See you ya around Sam,” Chase said as he left. I couldn’t help but laugh at Ryder’s guilty expression.

            “It’s my day to pick right,” I said.

            “Yeah. You got something in mind,” he asked.

            “Yes I do,” I said as I grabbed his hand to pull him away.

            “Have fun,” I heard Mason call out. When I looked back Ryder was blushing a little bit. I laughed as I pulled in into the school.

            “Where are we going,” he asked.

            “You’ll see,” I said. Nobody was in the school anymore. I walked into the practice room and let go of his hand. He sat down in on a chair and I hooked up the radio.

            “What are we doing,” he asked curiously.

            “Well I’m on the dance team. I love to dance. So I’m gonna teach you how to dance,” I said with a smile.

            “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have two left feet,” he said with a worried expression.

            “I can teach you. Here,” I said throwing him a pair of gym shorts. I had guessed his size so I hoped that they fit. “Go change. You can go right in that room,” I said pointing.

            “I warned you,” he said with a sigh as he got up and went to change. I quickly took off my pants. Underneath I had on my dance spanks. I pulled off my shirt and that left me in a tank top.

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