Chapter 10

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                                                      "The Skate Park"

            It was the end of the school day and I was getting into my car. Right when I cranked the car up my passenger door was thrown open and a panting Ryder climbed inside. I just sat back and looked at him as he tried to catch his breathe.

            “Can I help you,” I finally asked.

            “We’re going to the skate park today,” he told me with a smirk.

            “Oh. Why are you out of breath?”

            “I ran all the way here from the other side of the school.”

            “You could have just called me and told me to wait,” I said.

            “I don’t have your number.”

            “I never gave it to you?”

            “No,” he said shaking his head.

            “Give me your phone,” I said as I held my hand out. He handed me his phone and I typed my number and name into his phone. “Now you have it.”

            “Cool,” he told me with a smile as he put it back in his pocket.

            “So where is this skate park,” I asked.

            “It’s on Holton Street,” he said as he put his skate board in the back seat. I nodded before pulling out and heading that way. A second later my phone rang in my pocket.

            “Can you reach in my pocket and get my phone,” I asked him. He looked taken aback for a moment before reaching in and pulling it out.

            “It’s a text from your mom,” he told me.

            “Open it and tell me what it says,” I told him.

            “It says ‘where are you’,” he told me.

            “Say ‘I’m on my way to the skate park with Ryder’,” I said. I glanced over and saw that he was typing it in. A second later I heard my phone go off and he opened the message.

            “It says ‘Have fun and remember what I said’,” he told me.

            “Just say ok,” I told him a little embarrassed. At least he didn’t know what she was talking about.

            “What was she talking about,” he asked me after he put my phone down.

            “I don’t know,” I lied.

            “You’re lying,” he told me.

            “Your point is,” I asked him with a smile. He just smiled back at me and shook his head. I turned onto Holton Street and saw the skate park up ahead. It was huge. I pulled in and parked the car. Then we both stepped out and I looked around.

            “You like it,” he asked me.

            “It’s great,” I told him with an excited smile.

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