Chapter 12

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                                                              "The Fair"

Ryder’s POV:

            I was standing in my room getting ready for tonight. It was a big night. I changed into some jeans and a light blue t-shirt. I put on my light blue converse and brushed my hair out. When I was done I put my hat on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty good. With a smile I grabbed my things and ran down the stairs.

            “Well you look nice,” Tyler said when he saw me.

            “Good,” I said with a big smile.

            “What’s up with you,” he asked me.

            “I’m gonna start wooing Sam tonight,” I said confidently.

            “Oh really,” he said with a smirk.


            “Where you taking her?”

            “The fair,” I said with a smile.

            “I bet she’s excited,” he said.

            “She doesn’t know I’m even going to pick her up tonight,” I said.

            “Really,” he asked surprised.

            “Yup. I’ve got to go,” I said as I headed out of the house.

            “Have fun,” he called from behind me. I just smiled and climbed into my truck to head towards her house.

            When I pulled up I hopped out and grabbed a hand full of pebbles. I walked over to where I knew her window was and started throwing them at it. After a few minutes she leaned out and looked down at me.

            “Are you gonna keep doing this,” she called down.

            “It gets your attention,” I called back. “Are you dressed?”

            “Yeah. Why,” she asked confused.

            “Then come down,” I said.

            “Ok give me just a minute,” she said as she turned to leave.

            “No. Come out the window,” I called up to her.

            “Why,” she asked with a laugh.

            “You have to sneak out,” I told her.

            “Oh right. How am I supposed to get down?”

            “Shimmy down the pipe and I‘ll get you,” I told her.

            “If I fall I’m going to kill you,” she said as she climbed out the window and grabbed the pipe. She slowly shimmed her body down the pole as far as it went. When she stopped I walked over to her and grabbed her around the waist to move her. “Well that was fun.”

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