Chapter 32

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                                                          "Leaving for Vacation"

Samantha’s POV:

            It was day we were leaving. This was going to be the best couple of months of my life. I was going to be surrounded by my best friends and my amazing boyfriend. In Greece!

            I jumped up on my suitcase and it finally zipped closed. With a sigh I drug it off of my bed and rolled it up against the wall. I grabbed another bag and started packing my toiletries. I had been packing since last night and I was getting tired of it. As I grabbed my brush I heard my door opened and turned to look at my little sister.

            “Hey,” I said as she walked in and sat on my bed.

            “Hey,” she said sadly.

            “What’s wrong,” I asked her.

            “I’m really gonna miss you,” she said quietly.

            “It’s only for a couple of months.”

            “Yeah but then you come back for a few weeks and you’re gone again for University,” she said as she laid back.

            “I’m gonna come visit as often as I can.”

            “I know but it won’t be the same,” she said. “I like having you right down the hall from me.”

            “I do to but everyone has to do this eventually. It’ll only be a few years before you do the same.”

            “I know,” she said with a sigh.

            “At least you’ll have Mark,” I said trying to make her happier.

            “I guess that’s true,” she said with the hint of a smile on her face.

            “I promise I won’t forget about you,” I said quietly as I laid down beside her.

            “You promise,” she said as she looked over at me. It broke my heart to see tears in her eyes.

            “I swear to you. I felt the same way when Matt left. It gets easier,” I said as I took her hand in mine.

            “I really hope so because I hate being sad,” she told me.

            “Me to. But like I said, you have Mark and mom and dad to keep you company. Plus you’re the only child at home now.”

            “Can I have your room,” she asked with a big smile.

            “No,” I said as I leaned over and flicked her nose.

            “Boo,” she said a little bit happier.

            “I really do love you kid,” I told her.          

            “I love you to,” she said as she jumped into my arms.

            “Good,” I said as I squeezed her tight. “Now go to the bathroom and get my toothbrush.

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