Chapter 12

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"The Talk"

Rough Trade NYC:


And I'm down on my hands and knees

Begging you please baby

Show me your world

Finn sang out softly as the band rang out the ending riff to finish up the encore performance. Finn was still gazing up at the balcony where a set of beautiful moisture filled blue eyes were staring back at him as the entire venue erupted into a deafening roar of applause.

Sadie could feel her voice slowly lose its power as a smile broke out onto her face while she continued to yell and scream with the others as they applauded Calpurnia's performance. She slowly wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall as she watched Finn on the stage soak it all in, I am so happy for him, he looks like he belongs up there.

Finn stared out into the entirety of Rough Trade as he looked back at Jack, Ayla, and Malcolm as he waved his arm ushering them to come up to him to take in their amount of applause and glory. They smiled as they obliged and once they got up next to Finn he pulled his mic up to his face, "We hope that everyone had a wonderful time tonight" Finn started and passed the mic to Jack.

"We promise that we will be back here to play again soon" Jack promised as he passed the mic to Ayla.

"We appreciate everyone for coming out to support us tonight it really means a lot" Ayla said as the crowd cheered as she passed the mic to Malcolm.

"They all said what I wanted to say, so we all want everyone to be careful and get home safe tonight" Malcolm stated as he passed the mic back down the line, to Finn, "Oh and a huge shout out to Joe Keery here" Finn started as he pointed back at Joe who was just chilling in the background letting the kids soak in the lime light.

"For helping us out with the encore" As everyone began cheering for Joe as he lazily throws one of his hands up acknowledging the crowd with a smile.

The four band members then took a bow and waved to everyone out into the crowd, Finn looked back up at the balcony to see everyone still cheering for him, I am so glad they were all able to make it.

The owner of Rough Trade came back on stage as Finn and the rest of the band began grabbing their equipment and packing up in the back. He tapped the microphone to make sure it was on as he spoke into it, "Well Rough Trade I hope everyone had a great night watching an extremely talented up and coming band perform tonight. We are gonna have everyone starting heading towards the exits so that staff can begin the clean up process, thank you to all that came and have a good night" The owner finished as everyone applauded as they began to make their way to the exits.

Finn walked over to Joe as they began packing up their gear and Joe looked at him with a proud look on his face, "Not bad kid, you guys killed it out there, especially that encore" Joe smiled as he finished up putting away his guitar.

Finn couldn't help the grin spreading across his face as he finished zipping his guitar bag, "Yeah well having you there to help keep the rhythm allowed me to focus more on the singing than strumming which helped a lot" Finn explained looking back at the party starting to make their way down so they could meet up with them out back.

"Anytime, it was great to be back on stage again, makes me miss the guys from Post Animal, I can't wait to get back to Chicago." Joe said nostalgically as he thought about the plane ticket for the red eye to Chicago he would be catching from the show.

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