Chapter 1

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"Finally, were here. Wow, I didn't think all of those years would pass so fast. It almost makes me want to make a scrapbook of all of our memories. Smile!" Farkle said as Lucas, Riley and I smile for him.

He's not wrong, the years have flown by. We just got back from buying new book bags and notebooks and all the other crap I will never use. At the end of sophomore year we all decided to take parenting 101. Of course it was Riley's idea. I was on bord the minute she said we only have to go to classes on Mondays, Wednesdays , and Fridays, but that's how they getcha, because we still have to take online classes on the other days.

Of course Farkle didn't like that idea, because he likes to 'teach the class' and have 'Farkle time' as he puts it, but then he decided it would be great because he did some research on the class after we all chose it and guess what, we have to be 'Married' and have 'Children'!

At first I wasn't to upset about that, because I do like kids, but then that night when I went home, I realized I couldn't do this. How could I take care of children when I can barely take care of myself? How would I feed them? And most of all, who will I be 'married' to!?!

"Right Maya?" Riley said, sounding a bit irritated.

"What, oh yeah, right." I say as if I heard the whole conversation.

"That's not even fair, she wasn't even paying attention!" Lucas says with a laugh.

"Yeah I was." I defend myself.

"Oh yeah, what were we talking about?" Farkle says as he crossed his arms.

"You know what, I just realized something." I say as they all stare at me. "When we get to school tomorrow, we will officially be juniors!" I say as I high five Riley, then Lucas, then Farkle. After I give Farkle a high five he realized I changed the subject jumped towards us and pointed a finger.

"How do you do that!?!"

"My little secret." I say as we get closer to Riley's house.

"Well, bye guys!" I say as we split off into different directions.

This morning I woke up, got dressed, did my makeup, then as usual for the past 8 years now, I went to Riley's house for breakfast.

"Hey Junior!" I hear Riley say as I climb through the window.

"Hey Junior!" I scream back as we head for the kitchen.

"Breakfast Maya?" Topanga asked as she started to make my plate.

"Yeah, thanks." I say as she hands me my plate.

"So are you girls excited for your Senior year?" She askes, trying to make small talk.

"Oh mom, we don't get excited anymore, were..." she pauses for dramatic affect, "Juniors." we both flip our hair after she says it, earning a laugh from Cory and Topanga.

"Well okay then." Cory says as he takes another bite of his bacon.

As Riley and I finish eating we head for the subway, where we will see Lucas and Farkle awaiting us.


As we all walked into the school I saw the teacher that would be our parenting 101 teacher. She was carrying a clipboard with about 100 papers on the top of it. We just got our schedual and found out we're 4 of the 20
that gets to have this class. I was excited because of the no school and the 'they pay you to go to school' thing, I just hope it will be fun.
We all went to all of our morning classes and then we met up at lunch.

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