Chapter 3

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So today we get to see our apartments! I'm really excited because I will finally get a room where the ceiling doesn't leak and the neighbors don't party until 3am. Right now I'm sitting at the lunch table with Riley while the boys are off doing whatever.

"So are you excited? I mean, we finally get to become adults! We can set our own rules and buy our own food!" Riley rambles as I try to decipher what meat I have on my plate.

"Totally, and we can decorate it the way we want it." I added while taking a careful bite of my mashed potatoes.

"Yeah, and-" Riley started but got cut off by Farkle.

"Hello my beautiful wife!" He said as he put his arm around her. I have to admit, last year when they started to hang out a bit more I did become suspicious, but I didn't think much of it. Now that they actually are dating though, which happened last night, I just want to throw them out of a very high window.

"Hey! We were just talking about seeing the apartments today!" Riley said as she hugged him back.

"Oh yeah! I can't wait! I want to meet the kids so we can get the right toys for them and everything!" Farkle said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, as fun as this little third-wheeling is.. I'm gonna go now." I say, standing up to dump my half-eaten tray.

"Okay fine, be like that! But just so you know, I heard secrets about the master bedrooms that nobody should know." Farkle bribes. I slowly turn around and walk back to the table to hear what he has to say, silently praying that it's nothing bad.

"Alright spill." I say, leaning across the table to be in front of him.

"Well, apparently the bed is a queen sized bed that is supposed to be super comfy, there is a TV in there along with a pretty big closet. There's also a master bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub." Farkle says as I stare at him in shock.

"Now that's amazing!" I say as I lean back in my seat.


"Okay class, settle down! Remember to sit with your spouse also!" Mrs.Rose said as she started to check us off the check in sheet.

"Okay, so first things first is the couple pictures! I absolutely loved both Riley and Farkle's couple picture and Maya and Lucas! My least favorite was Jenna and Brock. Your picture was so forced and sad that I wanted to cry." Mrs.Rose said. I think she was mainly picking on them because they always complain about every single thing they have to do.

"So, today we are going to see your new apartments! The building has about 5 floors all rented out for this class. There will be two apartments per floor. I know who are friends and who are not, so to make this more like the real world, you will be living next to someone you do not like too much. This is because in the real world you do not get the easy living, but you get a day worth complaining about." She said as she started passing out little envelopes to each group.

"I bet you lunch these are the keys to our apartments." I say as I leaned towards Lucas. Really I already know I'm right because I saw her put them in the envelopes yesterday after class.

"Your on, but if you lose then you can just buy my lunch. I think it's going to be our money for groceries." Lucas said as he looked down at me.

"Your on." I say as we shake hands.

"Okay, now these envelopes hold your apartment keys-"

"Ha!" I say out loud as Mrs.Rose gives me a confused look.

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