Chapter 10

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The next morning I woke up to Lucas shaking my shoulder. When will he understand that I don't do mornings?!

"Maya, we need to get up and get the kids ready." He says as I open my eyes a little.

"I can't wait until Saturday." I mumble to myself as he chuckles.

"Yeah, me either. Do you think we should just get ready real quick and let the kids sleep?" Lucas asks while pointing down at Xavier.

"Yeah, the poor thing is probably exhausted." I say as I carefully slip away from Xavier. He seems like a heavy sleeper but I don't want to risk it.

Lucas leaves the room to shower while I go do my makeup. I put the tv on low on some random show and get to work. Halfway through Lucas comes out of the bathroom in just a towel... a towel!!

"Hey, sorry I forgot my clothes." He says as he grabs his pile of clothes and closes the bathroom door once again. I let out a breath and try to focus back into my makeup. After I finish Lucas is done so he starts making some eggs, biscuits and gravy. I decided I would just curl my hair a little bit because I didn't feel like going all out today. Now all I have to do is get dressed.

While I was looking for clothes I glanced over at our dresser and just stared for a minute. The files. We should read those really soon. I wonder if it would be a bad idea to read them before we wake the kids up. But then again, the social worker said to read them at night after the kids are sleeping so maybe there is too much to read right now.

I snap out of my daze when I hear Tori talking to Lucas in the kitchen. I quickly change into a pare of jeans and a cute shirt with a cardigan over it. After I change I go to wake Xavier.

I sit on the bed and start rubbing his left arm while he sleeps. "Hey baby, come on and get up. Daddy's making some breakfast, and it's going to be really good." I coo as he starts to rub his eyes. "Come on, let's wake up and we can cuddle until your fully awake. Do you wanna watch cartoons?" I ask as he just looks up at me. He holds out his arms for me while yawning so I pick him up.

He lays his head on my shoulder while we make our way to the living room. Lucas is still cooking while he talks to Tori so I decide to just turn the tv onto some cartoons. Xavier starts to watch the show while his finger moves in circles on my hand that is resting in his lap. After a few more minutes Tori comes in and plops down to my left so Xavier can see her as well.

"Mommy, daddy told me to tell you that the food is ready and we only have.. how much longer?!" Tori ends up yelling, causing Xavier to flinch but he still kept his eyes on the tv.

"30 minutes, and use your inside voice please." Lucas says with a small laugh at her cuteness.

"Oh right, 30 minuets till we leave." She finishes before running over to the table to eat.

"Okay, thank you. Xavy, do you want to go eat now?" I ask the little boy on my lap. He shrugs his shoulders. "Okay then, I guess I'll make the executive decision." I say while I pick him up and take him to the table. Lucas started to serve the plates while I got the juice out for everyone. I put Xavier's in a sippy cup, Tori's in a plastic kids cup with a lid and straw (because she claims she's too old for a sippy cup) and mine and Lucas's in glass cups.

Lucas puts one biscuit on each of the kids plates along with eggs and gravy. He broke apart the biscuit it for each kid so they wouldn't choke and sat the plates in front of them. We decided last night at Missy's  that we needed to make sure they knew they could have seconds but we shouldn't put too much on their plates at once because they would feel like they would need to eat all of it and possibly get sick.

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