Chapter 6

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I wake up to an alarm going off, but I wasn't awake enough to actually wake up. I was just more aware of things than in complete sleep... if that makes sense.

I feel the bed shift a little, then a hand on my shoulder. It was kind of nice because it was like a general rub, soothing me back to sleep.

"Maya." I heard Lucas whisper. "It's time to get up." When I heard him talk I just moved my arm so I could hit him in the face, or well, try anyway. "What are you doing?" Lucas laughs.

"'m tryin' to shut you up." I mumble, rolling over to face the other side.

"Come on Maya. Please get up." Lucas tried again.




"Please Maya, for me?" He tried again.

"Nooo." I groan as he chuckles.

"Okay fine, I guess I need another tactic." I heard him say. I waited for about another minute and he still didn't speak so I started to fall back to sleep again.

"Okay, so I'm giving you five seconds before I tickle you." He tries one last time.

"You texted Riley, didn't you." I say, knowing that she would tell him that.

"Yup, now get up so we can get ready for the kids." He says as I sit up and lean against the head board.

"This is the comfiest bed ever." I say as I stretch and get up to get ready.

"Really? Didn't think you would notice sense you laid on me for most of the night cuddle bug." Lucas says with a smile.

"Oh yeah, your pretty comfy too." I joke before heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Right when I get into the bathroom I hear the phone but Lucas says that he will get it so I just ignore it and continue getting ready.

After I finish I head to the kitchen to get some cereal. As I reached for a bowl I heard Lucas say something to the other end of the phone.

"Who is it?" I ask as I find the cereal in the pantry. He just holds his finger up motioning me to wait. He hangs up the phone while I'm poring the cereal into the bowl. "Can you get the milk?" I ask while he opens the fridge to do so.

"That was the social worker in charge of our kids. She said the kids won't be coming till 8 so we have an extra hour to prepare." He says as I jump on the counter and scoot back. "Oh, and tonight is the only mandatory multi family dinner. We have to have at least two other families to have dinner with so our children don't get anti social. Or something." He says while putting air quotes around anti-social.

"Okay, anything else?" I ask while taking a bite of my food.

"She said the kids will need breakfast because they arn't going to eat before they get here." He says while getting a banana to eat.

"Okay. I think we have pancake mix don't we?" I asked as he looks in the cabinet and pulled out the mix.

"Yeah, we do." He says as I smile.

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