Chapter 4

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Last night instead of going home alone, mainly because mom and Shawn aren't home, I just crashed at Riley's. We woke up, had some breakfast, then we headed to school like the good children we are.

"Hey guys, why were you late this morning?"Farkle asks as he walks up with Lucas.

"Oh, you know. Some people like to make my life complicated by stopping at The café for a coffee." Riley said a little irritated.

"Hey, I told you that I was tired and so you were the one to suggest it, plus you got one too." I say back. I am not completely the only one to blame, only a little bit.

"Okay, so what I'm hearing is that if we have to be somewhere on time then we need to leave early?" Lucas said, causing me to punch his arm.

"Just because of that I'm going to be late on purpose every time you need to be somewhere." I say back. Everyone knows I'm joking, but I might do it once or twice just say I did it.

"Okay class, so sorry I'm late. Let's begin shall we?" Mrs.Rose said as she rushed into the room.

"See, we weren't the only ones late." I say as we all go to our seats.

"Okay, so today, as you all know, you are moving into your apartments and you are meeting your children. But before we do anything else, I need to talk to a few groups. When I call your name please come outside with me." She said as she called a random group then walked outside the classroom with them.

"I wonder what that's about." Riley said as she leaned towards the front of her table. I turned around to face her and to also look at the door.

"I wonder if they got in trouble. That would suck if they couldn't meet their kids today." Farkle says. We wait about five more minutes before they come back in and she goes to call the other group she wants to talk to.

"Lucas and Maya, please come outside." She says. I really hope we're not in trouble. I look up at Lucas to see him already looking at me before we both get up to walk out the door.

"Good luck!" Riley whisper yells at us.

As we shut the door behind us Mrs.Rose smiles at us. "Don't worry, you are not in trouble. So, when we chose the children, we decided that the best place for those with the ugly past should go with the parents that we believe will help them more than the other parents. You two, along with one other group, will have to deal with a child that has a very ugly past." She began. I could feel Lucas wrap his hand around my waist in a comforting way.

"Now, your little boy, Xavier, came from a terrible home. I know that you guys are scared to mess up, and do the wrong things, but trust me when I say that we chose you for a reason. This little boy is going to be terrified of the smallest of things. Loud noises, screaming, even just walking towards him too fast can set him off. Because you two are pretty laid back and calm, and for other reasons we figured that  it is a great reason to place this little boy in your care. I know that Maya, you are not patient with thinks such as school, but when it matters, such as your art, you are able to wait hours, maybe even days until you get it right. Lucas, you are very patient, especially when you went to that kindergarten last year. This little boy needs patients and love and I believe that you two are the right choice." She finished.

"So.. was he like.. abused or something?" I ask, still not able to wrap my head around it. I can feel Lucas tighten his arm to pull me a little closer.

"Yes Maya, but now he isn't in that situation anymore, so you need to stay strong and let him know that he is safe. Reassurance is the most important part of this relationship. He needs to know that he is safe and not in any danger. If something happens and he thinks he will get in trouble, his fight or flight instincts may come into play. You have to understand things on his level and make him believe that he is safe. He has been in the system for almost four months so he still isn't quite used to the idea of being safe." She says while handing Lucas a paper.

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