Chapter 11

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I really hope today goes well. All I can think about is "how will the kids react to being separated from us?" And "what if they don't think we love them?". It's killing me but at the same time I know that we have to slowly get them used to us leaving them, well, not forever of course. Just for a couple of hours.

We're on our way to the school now with Lucas driving, Farkle in the passenger seat, Xavier behind Lucas in his car seat, me next to him, Tori behind Farkle in her car seat, then behind Xavier is Brandon in his car seat, then Riley, then Olivia in her car seat. I'm surprised that we all fit in this van, it looks so small on the outside but the inside is huge! Thankfully they have a baby daycare at the apartment for the little babies because I don't think we could fit another person, let alone car seat into this car

"So Maya, do you think everything will be okay today? It will be their first day without us."  Riley says while leaning up to the back of my seat.

"I don't know, but I hope so. We only have to be there for like an hour right?" I ask. I'm really not looking forward to saying goodbye to them.

"Yeah, I saw her in the lobby the other day and she said that the latest it will take would be an hour and a half. I hope it goes by fast."

"Yeah, me too."


It took about five more minutes before we reached the school so we had to unbuckle the kids and get them out then Riley and I had to try and get out as well. It took a while but we made it.

I was holding Tori's hand while Lucas held Xavier on his hip as we walked into the building and into the room they have set up as a daycare.

"Okay guys, me and daddy have to talk to some people but we will be back soon okay? Now you guys get to play and make friends while we do this, doesn't that sound fun?" I ask, hoping they won't have a problem with this.

"No bye-bye's" Xavier says quietly while he hides his face into Lucas's neck.

"No buddy, we're not going bye-bye. We're coming back really soon, but you get to play so you don't get bored! You'll have so much fun you'll not want to leave." Lucas says to try and calm him down.

"No bye-bye" He says again and starts to cry. I have absolutely no idea how to handle this. I have dealt with him crying before but that was different! He thinks we're leaving him and not coming back and that just breaks my heart.

"It's okay Zay-Zay, they will come back, they just have to do boring stuffs while we play. I'll stay with you the whole time!" Tori tries, but Xavier isn't letting up.

"That's very sweet Tori, you are an amazing big sister." I say while she smiles really bright.

"I know! And I know you'll be back too, daddy said he will never leave me and he will always come back and that's what he did! Plus, he brought food! That's even better than just coming back!" She says with a smile.
"That's right Tor, I will always come back. Do you think you and Xavier can color us some pictures so when we come back we can look at them?" Lucas asks as Xavier leans his head up to look at him.

"You come back?" He asks with a sniffle.

"Yeah buddy, we will come back." Lucas says as he kisses Xavier forehead.

"Are you okay with staying with your sister for a little bit now? We will come back and the people here are really nice." I say as he slowly nods his head. Lucas sets him down and he hugs our legs before looking up at us and waiting for us to leave. Tori grabs his hand and they go to the coloring station as we slip out.

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