Chapter 12

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By the time we get to the store all of the kids are asleep. Today has already started off a little bumpy so we're just going to go in, get what we need, then get out.

"Lucas, could you be any slower? Seriously, I'd hate to see how fast you move during a fire." I hear Maya whisper-shout at me from the back, causing me to look through the rear view mirror at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I too slow? I was busy checking my messages and replying to them, unlike some cute blonde I know." I say with a hint of sarcasm, causing her cheeks to glow.

"Hey, you-"

"Children, children. We do not need to argue right now. Now say your sorry and let's move on." Riley interrupts to say.

I smile before finally getting out and freeing mayas fingers from both kids and unbuckling Xavier while She unbuckles Tori.

"So, you need a few things and we need a few things. So let's meet back up here in about 10 minutes and we can go home and have lunch." Riley says as she walks the opposite direction from us all with Brandon in her arms.

"Well, I guess we have a time limit now." Maya says as We head for the pull-ups first.

"So, what size do we get? Is it like underwear or do they have different sizes?" Maya asks as she picks up a random pack with Spider-Man on it.

I shrug and look around too before I feel movement in my arms. I look at Maya, silently asking her what to do and she just shook her head while mouthing "I don't know!" I started to bounce Xavier in my arms, hoping that he would go back to sleep. I do this for a couple of minutes when suddenly he lifts his head up and looks around.

"Hey buddy, are you awake now?" I ask him when he looks at me. He doesn't say anything, not that I expected anything, and he Starts to wiggle around like he wanted down.

I put him down and he grabbed onto my pant leg with one hand while the other went to his mouth. Maya was still holding Tori while looking at the different pull-ups.

"I think this is what we need, so let's go and get the booster seat for the table then we can have lunch." Maya says.

"Food?" Xavier asks quietly while he looked up at me and gave my pant leg a small pull.

"Yeah bud, we're going to go home and eat lunch. What do you think we should have hmm?" I asked as he reached his hands up to be picked up again.

"Dunno" he says after I picked him back up.

"Okay then, we'll just figure it out later then, won't we?" I ask and he smiles back at me with a nod.

When we got to the checkout I see Riley and Farkle by the door waiting for us. Both of their kids are still sleeping in their arms.

"Okay, ready?" Maya asks as she hands me the bags. I nod my head and we all head to the car.


By the time we got back to our apartments all of the kids were awake. We had a quick lunch then we let the kids play for a bit.

"Hey, what time do you have to work in the morning?" Maya asks as she keeps her eyes glued to the tv.

"I think I have to be there at 7 so I'll have to wake up at 6." I say with a groan.

"I'm so glad I'm a teacher. I don't have to be at the school until 7:45 but it's still better than what you've got going." She says, turning to look at me.

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