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Dr. Strange looked at the monitors in front of him, there were four windows popped up on the screen in front of him and he smiled darkly. He finally had everything he needed into place. He had expected for Dr. Quinzel to fall for the Joker on the first session, he knew that the Joker would break him, and he was definitely interested in seeing just how far he was willing to go.

But, he didn't account for Dr. Sorkin's involvement with the Joker, that was putting a large wrench in his plans. But some of his friends in the GCPD informed him that her body was found in a ditch somewhere, nearly unrecognizable. Strange had no doubt in his mind that Dr. Quinzel had something to do with her sudden violent death.

His little seed of doubt he planted in the doctor developed into outright hatred once his love for the Joker was put at risk. Dr. Quinzel not only broke for the Joker, but he turned for him, a level of obsession reaching an entirely new level. He was pleased that his experiment had gone as planned, pleased to see that his test subject proved to be a suitable partner for the Clown Prince of Crime.

The other's he'd tried seemed to always fail, but that was because he was going about this situation from the wrong angle. He wanted the Joker to be with someone to test the theory of if sociopaths were capable of love or any affection for this matter and being that Dr. Quinzel, now Harley Quinn, was still alive, his theory was proven correct.

The Joker may not be capable of loving someone the way most people show it, but Harley staying in the picture proved to be quite promising.

Although he had bigger plans, plans that didn't involve just Harley or just the Joker. No, he had one more experiment that he wanted to conduct and he had a willing participant who was willing to conduct the experiment on some of the criminals he'd helped create and those simply under his care.

He wanted to know that if put in life or death situations, how would people under different levels of psychosis react if forced to go against their nature and help people instead of hurt them. He wanted to know which one would crack under the pressure first, or which one would rather die than to help another.

These were burning questions that he knew the woman that would be on the other end of his ringing desk phone would be able to help him answer.

"Strange, have you considered my offer?" said the shrill voice of Amanda Waller on the phone's receiver.

"Yes, I have," Strange answered calmly.

"Well," she asks impatiently.

"I do believe that I've found the perfect matches for your, little project," he responds. He clicks the windows and the four windows get larger, the pictures displayed on them are screen grabs of the break out that happened only a few hours prior.

Harley Quinn, Killer Frost, Poison Ivy, and Feline were all on the screen. Strange smiled, for he knew that was coming next was going to provide interesting results.

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