Chapter 26

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"Harley...Harley...Harley!" I hear someone whisper yell at me and I am slowly turned to my side, too tired to actually make a move to get up or open my eyes.

"Just five more minutes Mr. J, huh, juss...just...five more minutes," I whine out groggily, holding onto the hard mattress tightly, trying my hardest to get comfortable, but for some reason, my wrists felt like they were held together.

"Harley, it's me, wake up," I hear the voice say a little more firmly and I slowly opened my eyes, my vision becoming slightly clearer as I make out the hazy form standing in front of me.

It was Ivy, dressed in what looked like a shock white prison uniform, the same outfit they usually gave inmates at Arkham, but this wasn't Arkham, that much I knew from the moment my vision went from hazy to completely clear.

I quickly tried to stand up but was immediately met with resistance from my legs. I looked down and noticed that there was chain-linked metal cuffs locking them together, along with a brace-like cuff on both of my arms binding them as well.

I looked at Ivy and he was wearing the same, the only difference was the fact that he had green blinking dot at the top of it,

"Meta cuffs?" I asked, Ivy, nodded and rolled his eyes, conceding to sitting down at the edge of the single all-white mattress that complimented the all-white room with a terrifyingly sterile feel to it.

The harsh, fluorescent lighting in the room we were in feeling like something straight out of a horror movie, and not being able to move my limbs and Ivy's lack of powers made the situation that much more unnerving,

"What happened?" I ask, cracking my neck, trying to jog my still foggy mind.

"I have no idea, one minute we're breaking into the museum, the next thing I know I'm being shocked and cuffed, and then I wake up here, with an itchy neck and lying in the bed next to you. Fuck!" Ivy screams,

"I should've known something was up, this was just too easy, too much money, and too much opportunity, this whole thing was screaming trap and I did any of us not figure this out."

"I don't know, but when we find out who did this, fucked with the right bitch," I said, standing up and once I found my balance, I jumped to the top of the railing that was on my bedpost.

"Harley wait!" But before I could heed Ivy's warning I was already using my hands as leverage against the rails as I used my feet to try and kick open the air vent I noted the moment I woke up.

Once my bare feet made contact with the metal, I was immediately shocked and lost my balance, dropping to the bed beneath me roughly,


"The door, vents, and cuffs are triggered by sensors. Try to break free from them or the open anything and zap, you're static shock," Ivy said, his annoyance very present and very unamused,

"Trust me, when I saw you lying there I was immediately trying to break us out or at least break these open to try and help you, turns out they planned for both of us, whoever did this knew exactly what skill set we were working with."

"I don't get it, this isn't any ward of Arkham I've ever seen, and they dress prisoners in orange, not white, and shock sensors? Either Gotham got a huge pay raise, or we're not in Gotham," I answer, assessing the surroundings.

"Nope, not Gotham, that much I can feel, even with the cuffs on. The soil beneath us is different, so are the plants' voices, we're a good ways away from Gotham, at least a few hundred miles," Ivy responds.

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