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In the town of Bethlehem, a little baby boy was born in a manger. When he was born the angels started singing, shouting "Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men." This boy is our messiah. The Son of God and the Prince Of Peace: Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There are many debates on who Jesus was and there are even some who wonder if he even existed at all or was a myth. If you ask me I personally believe Jesus is the Son of God Who came and died for our sins so that we could live eternally in paradise with him after death. But the purpose of this is not to convert you or offend your beliefs. It's just to tell you about the greatest thing that could ever happen. I'm going to discuss who I think Jesus Christ is and how my beliefs compare with others. Was he just a prophet of God or was he actually the Son of God? Was he a reincarnation of Moses or Elijah? Did he actually perform miracles? The truth is I don't know any of the answers to these questions but I'm not going to try to answer them. I am just stating my beliefs and opinions about Jesus. In fact, you want to know something. I hate religion but I love Jesus. Religion causes death and prejudice but Jesus brings love and forgiveness to all of us.

A Messiah or a Carpenter: Who is Jesus Christ?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat