The Arrest

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Jesus and his disciples head to the garden at Gethsemane. Jesus tells his disciples to wait in an area while he goes off and prays. When he prays to God he starts crying tears of blood and at first begs God not to let him die. However, he eventually accepts his fate. He tells Peter, "Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is weak." Jesus wakes up the disciples and tells them that it's time. As he is talking to them, Judas arrives with several guards. Judas tells the guards that the one he kisses is the man. He kisses Jesus and Peter pulls out his sword and cuts a guard's ear. However, Jesus tells Peter to stop and says, "Do you not think that I can appeal to my Father, and he will send me more than twelve legions of angels?" Jesus heals the ear of the guard and is seized and taken away. The disciples panic and run away.

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