Gathering Disciples

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"Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and every kind of sickness."
Matthew 10:1

Jesus could have done his work alone but he didn't want to do this alone. So gathered disciples to help him accomplish his mission. Now if  you didn't know the story, you might be thinking that his followers were spiritual men who were very wealthy and powerful. Well his disciples were far from that description. They were fishermen, tax collectors; ordinary people who were selected to do good. He gathered a group of 12 people. The names of the disciples were Peter, John, Thomas, Andrew, Matthew, Simon, Judas Iscariot, Phillip, Thaddeus, Bartholomew, and two people named James. These disciples were just ordinary people who left everything that they had and followed Jesus. Some of them even betrayed Jesus and denied knowing him. These were the first known Christians. They loved and cared for each other as well as Jesus. A former prostitute named Mary Magdalene later joined the group. However, there was a greater purpose for these disciples. They would carry out his mission and spread his name to all of the corners of the world. As a Christian, you have that same responsibility. Share Jesus' name through both your words and your actions.

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