The Passion

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Now we come to the most important part of Jesus' life. The reason why he is here in the first place. This is where we see him fulfill his ultimate mission. When Jesus is arrested, he is brought before the Jewish authorities. When the head priest asks Jesus if he is the Messiah, Jesus answers yes. The priests are furious and Jesus is taken to be judged by Pilate. Pilate asks Jesus, "Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?" However, Jesus doesn't answer and Pilate is amazed. Jesus is brought before a crowd. Standing next to him is a criminal named Barrabas. Pilate asks he crowd who should be punished and the crowd cheers Barrabas. This is amazing because Jesus took the place of a criminal. At first, Pilate orders Jesus to be whipped. Pilate asks the crowd about what to do with Jesus. The crowds yell, "Crucify him!" Jesus is stripped of his clothes and the soldiers put a crown of thorns on his head. They mock and laugh at Jesus while doing this. They force him to carry a heavy cross to a hill. Several people try to comfort Jesus and offer him water but the soldiers deter them. When he arrives at the hill, his hands and feet are nailed to a cross. A sign is posted on the top of the cross, saying "This is Jesus, King of the Jews." Several people who went by Jesus said, "If you are the Son of God, come down from this cross." A priest says, "He saved others; he cannot save himself." Jesus looks up to God and says, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." One of the criminals who was crucified with Jesus asks Jesus, "If you are the Son of God, Why can't you save us?" However, another criminal says, "Leave him alone! We deserve to die but this man has done nothing wrong!" He looks to Jesus and says, "Lord, remember when you come into your kingdom." Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Jesus looks down and sees his mother with John. He says, "Behold your son, behold your mother." At the ninth hour, Jesus yells, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (My God, my God, Why have you forsaken me?") Later Jesus says, "I thirst." A soldier gets a sponge and stabs a spear through it and dips it in water. Then he brings the sponge up to where Jesus can drink from it. He looks down at his disciples and says, "It is finished." After another hour, he looks up to heaven and says, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." With those last words said, Jesus dies. Suddenly, an earthquake happens and a veil in the Jewish temple is torn. This represents the meaning that the wall between us and God has been destroyed and we can have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ who died for us. He has paid the ultimate for us and has died so that we can live. This is what his true mission is. He died so that we could live eternal life in paradise with Him who loved us enough to send his only Son to pay the price that we could never pay. However, after Jesus dies, he is buried in a tomb with a stone in the front. The world goes into darkness and everyone loses hope. However, the story is far from over.

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