The Resurrection

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The disciples feel despaired and lost. 3 days later, Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus' grave on Sunday and finds it empty. She starts crying and two angels at his grave asks her why she is crying. Mary responds that they have taken Jesus away. She turns around and sees a man that she thinks is a gardener. The man asks Mary, "Woman, why are you crying? Who is it that you are looking for?" Mary responds, "If you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." The man says to her, "Mary." Mary realizes that she is talking to Jesus and tries to hug her. However Jesus warns Mary not to touch him, "For I have not yet ascended to my father." Mary runs to the disciples and tells them the news of Jesus' resurrection. However, they don't believe her. However, Jesus suddenly appears in the same room as them. He shows the holes from the nails in his hands. They all hug Jesus and are happy to see him alive. This is the best part about Jesus. He was dead, but now he is alive. He conquered the grave for us.

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