A Savior is Born

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Now whether you're a Christian or not you might have heard the story of Jesus. It's the focus of both Christmas and Easter. It is written in the Bible that Jesus was born to Mary in a manger and was visited by 3 wise men. Now I bet I can guess what you're thinking: Why would the Son of God come to this world as a baby instead of a man? Well you see, he could have come to Earth in many ways but he chose the most humble way. That's what Jesus is about: Being humble. He did not come the way that we were expecting but the way He wanted. King Herod tried to kill him but he was no match for the infinite power of Christ. As the years past, Jesus grew. I always wondered what Jesus' childhood was like. Was he like other children or was he different? The only story told of Jesus as a little boy was him teaching in the temple. This was the beginning of his rise.

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