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Rachel's PoV

"Rach one more question why did he hit you" Brad asks looking concerned

"He hit me because of the comment on Instagram I put a dot instead of a x. He has been making me post all those photos I never wanted to. They photo of us kissing as well he whispered in my ear to kiss back and he grabbed my face and kissed me I never wanted to kiss him and then I heard all the cameras go off I'm so stupid" I say tears falling from my eyes. I just don't know what to do.

"Listen to me I understand why you did it okay" Brad says holding my hand

"But everyone hates me" I say

"No they don't they just don't understand. When they know the full story. Nobody could ever hate you" Brad says whipping my tears with his thumb.

" I'm sorry for everything" I whisper looking at Brad

"Stop apologising I understand you did it to protect me. But Rach you need to protect yourself he can't hit you like that" Brad says and I nod.

"I love you" Brad says

"I love you too" I say moving closer to him and we kiss.




I move away from the kiss. And I quickly grab my phone.

"It's Alex" I stutter

"Don't answer it" Brad says I look at him

"I have to" I say and I slide it to answer.

"Hello" I say

"Hey pretty girl I have a surprise for you" Alex says

"What" I say

"Don't talk to me like that but. Open your door I'm here" Alex says I don't say a word

"Surprise I'm outside your door. Do you really think I would allow you to come here without me" Alex says his tone of voice sounding very angry. My face turns into pure fear and panic. Brad looks at me.

"Hide" I whisper so quietly 

"What" Brad whispers back

"Right hurry up get the door NOW" Alex shouts and hangs up. I drop the phone.

"Brad you need to hide now" I panic grabbing his hand.

"What why" Brad asks confused.

"Alex's is here" I say quickly and pure panic appears on Brad's faces too

"Why is he here" Brad asks

"Just please don't come out and when we go upstairs run" I say pushing Brad in the cupboard.

I slowly walk to the front door and open it.

"WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG" Alex shouts and pushes me out the way and slams the door. I walk into the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"Why did you not hug me" Alex says getting angry again following me into the kitchen

"Sorry" I stutter my voice full of fear. Alex interrupts me.

"HUG ME" he shouts

I rush over to him and hug him.

"Why do you smell of a boy" Alex says grabbing my hand and holding it really tight.

"Alex stop get off" I say trying to move my hand out of his grip it's no use.

"Was he here" Alex says

"No" I quickly reply

"WAS HE HERE RACHEL" Alex shouts in my face

"NO HE WASN'T HERE OKAY WHY WOULD HE TALK TO ME ANYWAY BECAUSE OF YOU" I shout back. The first time I have ever shouted back. I slowly take a step away from him as I see his face getting even more angry.

"Don't you EVER speak to me like that" Alex's says as he slaps me right across the face.

"I'm sorry" I stutter holding my face.

I look to the cupboard Brad's in and I see it's open slightly and Brad's looking at me. Tears falling from his eyes.

" just stay there" I whisper with no sound coming from my mouth. He shakes his head no

"Please" I whisper with no sound.

He nods.

"What are you doing" Alex's says

"Nothing" I stutter

I look away and I just sit on the kitchen table and put my head in my hands.

Can Alex just leave and go away. I'm scared what if Brad comes out. What will Alex do. I'm just so scared.

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